I love how the second my #FigureSkating coach sees me making the *tiniest* bit of progress in Scary Skill, she goes "Excellent, now let's try Other Scary Skill and also Moar Scary Skill!"
By "love" I mean "lol/whimper" and by "lol/whimper" I mean "love".
I also love how after doing something scary she gets me to do some forward Russians to relax and finetune my technique. Forward Russians make me feel gloriously competent.
The latest #FigureSkating video I'm obsessing over is Smart and Díaz rehearsing their Mask of Zorro routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qOc9cf0frk
It's out of costume but the immersive camerawork makes it 100% more stunning than the actual performance I tracked down. The edges! The transitions! The narrative! The invisible whips and swords! The camerawork!
Yay I can do my three-turns on both sides now! Mostly because my coach got me to do a 3turn into a crossover which sounds more complicated but gives me an excuse for two-footing the exit. 🤣 This may have been a cunning tactic on her part because of course if I can do a cheated version of it then that means I can practise it, and then in due course I can get better at it and eventually do it properly. #FigureSkating
【輝きの始まり】羽生結弦の幼少時代「ちいさいさん」を集めてみたら眩しすぎた件 #羽生結弦 #yuzuruhanyu #ちいさいさん https://www.wacoca.com/news/1719273/
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A new week, a new pair of #SkateGuard blogs!
Read about the Moonah Glaciarium, a rink hailed as the first artificial open-air ice skating rink in the Southern Hemisphere: https://skateguard1.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-moonah-glaciarium.html
Explore a complete historical record of every Canadian figure skating judge and official at the Winter Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games: https://skateguard1.blogspot.com/2023/07/approach-bench-canadas-olympic-and.html
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Yesss @heyrochelle 's tip of sticking the butt back when doing a lunge (as well as the knee and ankle bends) has just dramatically deepened my lunges even *more* and got my skate boots at a much more glidey angle as well as I think getting my body more vertical and prettier. All around A++ tip.
Next step: getting up again without the heeeeave-clonk. 😂
Leveled up my backwards crossovers so I can now do them from strokes instead of from swizzles. Super clunkily and with no perceptible edges but that's something to work on next time. #FigureSkating
So this afternoon I'm practising my forward outside 3-turns, very nervously and badly as usual, when suddenly, in the middle of one, my body like *speaks* to me, and it says, "Oh hey! All we need to do is turn onto our back inside edge!"
and I'm like "... ... Yes. That. Is literally the fucking definition of a forward outside 3-turn, omfg, what did you think we've been doing all these months?"
Anyway, bewildering as this is, my 3-turns are now slightly less nervous and bad. 👍
村主章枝と安藤美姫との深い確執に言葉を失う…「忘れない…あの時の衝突わざとでしょ?」ラスベガスで映画プロデューサーになった理由に驚きを隠せない… https://www.magmoe.com/846814/celebrity/2023-06-30/
#FigureSkating #フィギュアスケート #安藤美姫 #安藤美姫エキシビション #安藤美姫ジゼル #安藤美姫始球式 #村主章枝 #高画質
#figureskating #フィギュアスケート #安藤美姫 #安藤美姫エキシビション #安藤美姫ジゼル #安藤美姫始球式 #村主章枝 #高画質
Absolutely delighted to discover that people have been complaining "There's no artistry in #FigureSkating any more" since at least 1988.
【浅田真央よりご挨拶】座長・浅田真央よりBEYOND The Final千秋楽公演に向けてのメッセージをお届け! https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1786027/celebrity/
##アイスショー ##田村岳斗 #BEYOND #BEYONDツアー #Celebrities #Celebrity #figureskating #Final千秋楽公演に向けてのメッセージをお届け #maoasada #Vlog #あさだまお #フィギュアスケート #マルティネスエルネスト #中村優 #今井遥 #今原実丘 #小山渚紗 #小林レオニー百音 #山本恭廉 #松田悠良 #柴田嶺 #浅田真央 #浅田真央よりご挨拶座長浅田真央よりBEYOND #真央 #立川
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[HD] 伊藤みどり Midori Ito – 1992 Albertville Olympic – Free Skating https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1778845/global-beauties/
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座長 浅田真央からのメッセージ 〜愛知公演にお越しくださる皆さまへ 〜 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1772663/celebrity/
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【MONTURA×BEYOND】BEYONDオフィシャルスポンサーコラボ動画 / MONTURA篇 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1768537/celebrity/
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Oof I did a good wore-myself-out #FigureSkating session, and plus am improving on things.
Had been watching a video on sit spins and I can't do any spins really but the tips on posture were handy anyway: pointing my toe on my slide-step keeps it safer *and* prettier; and really bending at my ankle when I do my lunges helps me get lower, and feel more secure, and keep the weight on my skating foot so it's easier to get up again; and keeping hips square on my BO edges might be helping them too?
【アルソア×BEYOND】BEYONDオフィシャルスポンサーコラボ動画 / アルソア篇 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1764763/celebrity/
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Happy birthday to Robert Paul, born today in 1937 in Toronto!
With Barbara Wagner, he won the Olympic gold in Pairs Figure Skating in 1960, as well as four World Championships from 1957 to 1960 and two North American Championships in 1957 and 1959.
#olympics #figureskating #canadian #history #canada #sports #histodon #histodons
#olympics #figureskating #canadian #history #canada #sports #histodon #histodons
座長 浅田真央からのメッセージ 〜新潟公演にお越しくださる皆さまへ 〜 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1752439/celebrity/
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