Bruno C. Vellutini · @bruvellu
214 followers · 136 posts · Server

If you use Fiji (ImageJ) I made lookup tables (LUTs) using a color blind friendly color set from Okabe & Ito (2002).

It provides a few more options for your image stacks beyond the recommended green/magenta combination.

To use, simply activate the ColorBlindLUTs update site in Fiji (and restart). For more details:

#fijisc #imagej #colorscheme #colorblind

Last updated 2 years ago

Florian Jug · @florianjug
585 followers · 186 posts · Server

Introduction time! ☺️
My name is Florian and I’m a computer scientist and a fully fledged nerd. 🤓

Life pushed me towards the life sciences and now I ❤️ to help others to better analyze their data. 🔬

All we do is . et al.

I’m so proud of my amazing and amazingly colorful team of , and .

Guess I should also mention: I love 🏃‍♂️ and pottery 🥣.

#running #bioimageanalysts #rses #ai4life #napari #fijisc #cryocare #noise2void #care #opensource

Last updated 2 years ago

Albert Cardona · @Rierol
39 followers · 135 posts · Server

@mastodontcat Hola! : sóc professor de neurobiologia. La meva feina em du a mapar les xarxes neuronals del cervell d'una mosca, la , i estudiar-les per a entendre com funcionen.

També sóc programador, he creat programari lliure com el per a processament d'imatge.

I també molt aficionat a la natura, sobretot a l' i en particular d'abelles i vespes.
Un goig de compartir-ho tot plegat en català!


#introduction #drosophila #fijisc #entomologia

Last updated 2 years ago