Jules G · @jcgraybill
12 followers · 58 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I'm glad kept the open source part of patched and buildable, but the basic experience of looking at some log files is like stepping into a time machine. Strip away all the plugins bolted on to handle interesting-but-niche use cases, and what's left is a version of that hasn't changed in nearly a decade. I should not need to download 7.10 in 2023, but I'm also not going to set up some streaming data pipeline just to watch website logs.

(4/8) 🧵

#opensearch #elasticsearch #kibana #filebeats

Last updated 1 year ago

I'm looking for an idiot's guide to creating users and roles in , specifically for at the moment. The docs are good, but a bit non-specific on authentication/authorisation.

#elkstack #filebeats #elasticsearch

Last updated 2 years ago