Hmmm, ich habe hier noch 4 WD-Red Festplatten rumliegen. Irgendwie hätte ich ja Lust mir einen #Fileserver auf Basis von #Unraid zu bauen. Allerdings hält mich der Stromverbrauch davon ab. 😢
What would be the safest #NFS implementation, or failing that some other standard & mountable #fileserver?
#nfs #fileserver #networking #files #networkedfilesystem
Schönen guten Morgen :mastodance:!
Heute haben wir diese vier Programmpunkte:
0. #Kaffee
1. mit dem neuen #Fileserver jonglieren (#CEPH mounten und per #NFS weiterreichen)
2. Vorlesung vorlesen
3. nach #Berlin fahren¹
4. währenddessen an der nächsten Vorlesung tüfteln
Habt's schön!
¹1 liest ja von so vielen spannenden Reiseberichten hier in den Trötenwelten, das möchte ich auch einmal erleben.
#berlin #nfs #ceph #fileserver #kaffee
How To Instantly Setup Static File Server In Linux #Fileserver #Http #Serve #Nodejs #Opensource
#fileserver #HTTP #serve #NodeJS #OpenSource
NEW ARTICLE: A Better Solution to Encrypting Cloud Data
#cloudhosting #cryfs #diy #duplicati #encryption #fileserver #rsync #solutions #ssh #vps #cishuman
#cloudhosting #cryfs #diy #duplicati #encryption #fileserver #murena #rsync #solutions #ssh #vps #cishuman
NEW ARTICLE: A Better Solution to Encrypting Cloud Data
#cloudhosting #cryfs #diy #duplicati #encryption #fileserver #rsync #solutions #ssh #vps #cishuman
#cloudhosting #cryfs #diy #duplicati #encryption #fileserver #murena #rsync #solutions #ssh #vps #cishuman
This is an actual #filename on our #Fileserver:
"RingRingDat Online - 2210FM Zugversuch Stahl Flachproben, 1-3 mm, gefertigte Proben 2022 - 2210FM Tensile test steel flat specimens, 1-3 mm, machined specimens 2022-XYZ Foundation-Hans Müller Stiftung, Werkstoffe, Hr. Peter Meister.pdf"
Stupid users. 🤯
Sooooo, meine #openmediavault (#fileserver und auch #backupserver) haben soeben auch ein #update genossen 👌
#openmediavault #fileserver #Backupserver #update
So I lucked across a Quadro M4000 card. Yeah, I know, it's two generations ago, but it's definitely better than the 1030 I had in the machine... and what an improvement it is.
I wonder when #BOINC is going to realize there's a decent video card in this machine and start downloading GPU tasks? ;)
No, this isn't the same computer that I just upped the RAM in.. This is the #HAMshack computer.. and the #fileserver that has all my movies and TV shows I ripped so that I could watch them on #Plex anytime I want to. I'm going to be re-arranging how it's set up soon-ishly, too. I've got a new (to me) #RAID controller for it, but I'm going to need to back up everything and rebuild the arrays because the new controller (LSI 2208 based) won't import the arrays created by the old controller (LSI 2108 based)...
I figure I'll set up a new boot drive, migrate what I need from the old boot drive to the new one (mostly my /home and /root filesystems) then bring all the disks over and create one giant RAID-6 array for no reason other than I want to do it that way and make a gigundous array. (17 4T drives in RAID-6 = a giant 60T array. That could be very very fun!)
Anyway... back to playing with my new/old toys.
#boinc #hamshack #fileserver #plex #raid
Hey file server / NAS folks, I'm not very well versed in bulk storage, but I have a huge pile of hard drives of various sizes and I've kind of just been stuffing them into my server and accessing them individually with OMV. What would be a better option for automatically managing a pile of different sized disks with some form of safety and/or redundancy? I'm not looking to do anything crazy, I just dont wanna lose any stuff if something happens.
#NAS #RAID #JBOD #fileserver #OMV #openmediavault
#openmediavault #omv #fileserver #jbod #raid #nas
@gsuberland @SwiftOnSecurity IMHO 3rd party #AV is just #ValueRemoving rentseeking on #Windows.
An #AV on a #Linux machine [i.e. #Fileserver and/or #Mailserver] however makes sense...
#mailserver #fileserver #Linux #Windows #valueremoving #av
@PeterCxy @SwiftOnSecurity whereas I can understand people using i.e. #eset on #linux for their #mailserver|s and #fileserver|s...
They are still #BinaryBlobs but at least they ain't so "fucky wucky" by using undocumented shit and act as #malware...
#Malware #BinaryBlobs #fileserver #mailserver #Linux #eset
Vanavond een Mac Mini uit 2010 omtoveren tot een Linux fileserver voor een geluidsstudio. De leukere klusjes. 😃
#linux #fileserver #opensource #kpp #geluidsstudio #muziek #gent
#linux #fileserver #opensource #kpp #geluidsstudio #muziek #gent
Da hat der Montag schon mal super angefangen. In der Firma streikten der #Fileserver und #Datenbankserver. Das war ein super Start in den Tag... Bin ich froh wenn ich gleich feierabend Habe #azubi #fachinformatiker #itler #systemintegrator
#systemintegrator #itler #Fachinformatiker #azubi #Datenbankserver #fileserver
Cloud Commander - A Web File Manager With Console And Editor #CloudCommander #Filemanager #Fileserver #Sharefiles #Nodejs #Opensource #Linux
#Linux #OpenSource #NodeJS #Sharefiles #fileserver #filemanager #CloudCommander
How to setup static file server using Serve in Linux #Fileserver #Serve #Nodejs #Linux
#Linux #NodeJS #serve #fileserver
How to Setup A Basic File server Using simpleHTTPserver #Fileserver #Python #simplehttpserver #Linux #Cli
#CLI #Linux #simplehttpserver #Python #fileserver
How To Quickly Serve Files And Folders Over HTTP In Linux #FileServer #HTTPServer #Linux #miniserve #Nodejs #Python #Quickserve #Ruby #Rust #simplehttpserver
#simplehttpserver #Rust #Ruby #quickserve #Python #NodeJS #miniserve #Linux #httpserver #fileserver