Does anyone know where I might have heard of Koios the extended attribute file system tagging tool? Maybe a recommendation or paper? Are you using it or know more used alternatives? #digipres #FileSystems #FileTagging #InfoMgmt #EDRMS
#edrms #infomgmt #filetagging #filesystems #digipres
I need some help or advice, please.
I want to switch over completely to Linux. The last part that is missing is file organisation.
On my old Mac I used tags extensively in my workflow. I only have a basic folder structure and the rest is done via tags.
Now my question: is there a way to have that in Linux?
Gibt es in Linux eine Möglichkeit das File Tagging von MacOS zu überführen und weiter zu führen?
#linux #fileorganisation #filetagging #schwarminteligenz #filesystem #intelligence
#linux #fileorganisation #filetagging #schwarminteligenz #filesystem #intelligence