@bike · @bike
28 followers · 302 posts · Server toot.bike

Just out a . So now I will go to a and they will remove good so they can fill it with plastic. This was life-saving back in the day. Surely technology has come a ways since ? Where are the cutting-edge modern alternatives to mainstream that are just not popular yet?

#flossed #filling #dentist #tooth #technology #DrillAndFill #dentistry

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Becker, PhD · @DrScience
97 followers · 105 posts · Server disabled.social

" " is medium grain white rice (was out of sushi rice), mild , medium kimchi (they had slightly different spice flavors and one is finer, so they complemented each other), mayo, seed oil, sauce, chopped canned water

#sushi #filling #kimchi #chopped #kewpie #toasted #sesame #soy #chestnuts

Last updated 2 years ago

Kettlesmith 🦦 · @kettlesmith
21 followers · 95 posts · Server sunny.garden

Made the Christmas . I don’t think the oil made a difference for the skin, but an egg wash and endless amounts of poultry seasoning helped the .

Picked the turkey clean. Lots of meat for the next few days.

#turkey #filling

Last updated 2 years ago

Did the dentist thing!
A massive amalgam filling in a broken molar removed and a new white filling in its place. Also a cavity under a crown drilled out and repaired.
Refused anesthetic, and it was fine.
And better than that, no aching or droopy jaw afterwards.

A good result though my bank balance probably disagrees.

#dentist #filling #anesthetic

Last updated 2 years ago

TessMMeyer · @TessMMeyer
75 followers · 134 posts · Server mastodon.online

Astonishing how quickly everything else becomes completely marginal when you lose a and the resulting hole in your tooth is killing you.
The emergency dental appointment is in 2,5hrs, my is mediocre, & the I've bitten on for the last hour helps but isn't very strong either.
Please post pics of or as comfort. Also :ablobcatattentionreverse: historical hotties with cats!

#cats #historicalhotties #clove #painkiller #toothache #filling

Last updated 2 years ago

Oor Sparra · @Sparraneil
349 followers · 415 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@Caledonia @alexlac51 @WeeAuldWumman
A peice n dook is a by product ae stews.
A slice ae breid is dooked in the tap ae the stew tae absorb liquid magicness, & gied tae weans tae keep them fed tae dinner time. Mind haud it flat while yer daen it.
Dinnae lee it in too lang or ye risk the same disaster as dookin biscuits in tea.

#nomnomnomnomnom #stickstaeyerribs #filling #warm #nutritious #delicious

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
78 followers · 262 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Happy , to those celebrating in the U.S. This is what I ate at my family's get-together. My extended does unfortunately cook a turkey, but all of the sides were made . My mom even made me some stuffed squash. 'Twas , and it filled me up.

I also made .


#thanksgiving #family #vegan #delicious #cookies #food #essen #collardgreens #mashedpotatoes #sweetpotatoes #brusselssprouts #BeansAndRice #stuffing #filling #chocolatechipcookies

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
78 followers · 262 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Happy , to those celebrating in the U.S. This is what I ate at my family's get-together. My extended does unfortunately cook a turkey, but all of the sides were made . My mom even made me some stuffed squash. 'Twas , and it filled me up.

I also made .


#thanksgiving #family #vegan #delicious #cookies #food #essen #collardgreens #mashedpotatoes #sweetpotatoes #brusselssprouts #BeansAndRice #stuffing #filling #chocolatechipcookies

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87555 posts · Server masthead.social
@Om* · @atomjack
1255 followers · 13282 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
@Om* · @atomjack
1277 followers · 13320 posts · Server mastodon.cloud