The Night An Apprehensive Rod Stewart & The Jeff Beck Group ‘Blew Away’ The Grateful Dead
#RodStewart #JeffBeck #GratefulDead #FillmoreEast
#rodstewart #jeffbeck #gratefuldead #fillmoreeast
bummer! village voice, december 1972. i think this probably refers to the end of the joshua light show/joe's lights. #LightShow #FillmoreEast
Happy 92nd Birthday to Bill Graham (Wulf Wolodia Grajonca) born today January 8, 1931 in Berlin. Mr Graham was a German-American impresario and rock concert promoter. #UncleBobo
#unclebobo #winterland #fillmorewest #fillmoreeast #billgraham
Gonna listen, drink a mug or two of afternoon tea, and read a good book.
#allmanbrothersband #live #fillmoreeast #whippingpost