#NowPlaying: #Renaissance - Live #FillmoreWest and Other Adventures. Archival material from the first version of the band. https://www.repertoirerecords.com/artists/renaissance/renaissance-live-fillmore-west-and-other-adventures-2/
#nowplaying #renaissance #fillmorewest
Happy 92nd Birthday to Bill Graham (Wulf Wolodia Grajonca) born today January 8, 1931 in Berlin. Mr Graham was a German-American impresario and rock concert promoter. #UncleBobo
#unclebobo #winterland #fillmorewest #fillmoreeast #billgraham
MIles Davis & Grateful Dead at the Fillmore West 1970
#MilesDavis #GratefulDead #SFBayAreaMusicHistory #FillmoreWest
MIles Davis set
Dead's set
#MilesDavis #sfbayareamusichistory #fillmorewest #gratefuldead
@ihmiskoira Thanks for the Jorma. Big fan of all J.K. incarnations. Been So Long was first Hot Tuna song I learned on guitar. Saw the Etta James in your feed. You're on fire.
#hottuna #jeffersonairplane #fillmorewest
#MoodForMusic #GoodNightToot #JanisJoplin #InConcert #Ballroom #BillGraham #FillmoreWest #FullTiltBoogieBand #EgoRock #MoveOver #CbsWalkingEye #vinyl
#moodformusic #goodnighttoot #janisjoplin #inconcert #ballroom #billgraham #fillmorewest #fulltiltboogieband #egorock #moveover #cbswalkingeye #vinyl
Mike Wilhelm, l’ultimo cowboy di San Francisco https://www.carmillaonline.com/2019/07/04/mike-wilhelm-lultimo-cowboy-di-san-francisco/ #QuicksilverMessengerService #JeffersonAirplane #IsuonatoriJones #Flamin'Groovies #HaightAshbury #JohnCipollina #RockyErickson #FillmoreWest #GratefulDead #MacRebennack #SanFrancisbo #FlowerPower #LooseGravel #BillGraham #Charlatans #DoctorJohn #acidrock #DanHicks #Frisco
#quicksilvermessengerservice #jeffersonairplane #isuonatorijones #flamin #haightashbury #johncipollina #rockyerickson #fillmorewest #gratefuldead #macrebennack #sanfrancisbo #flowerpower #loosegravel #billgraham #charlatans #doctorjohn #acidrock #danhicks #frisco