LADY: What’re you doing with a snakeskin jacket?
VAL: It’s a sort of a trademark; people call me Snakeskin.
LADY: Who calls you Snakeskin?
VAL: Oh, in the bars, the sort of places I work in—but I’ve quit that. I’m through with that stuff now…
Tennessee Williams, Orpheus Descending, 1957.
#amreading #TennesseeWilliams #Theatre #FilmAdaptation #MarlonBrando
#amreading #tennesseewilliams #theatre #filmadaptation #marlonbrando
“What on earth can you do on this earth but catch at whatever comes near you, with both your hands, until your fingers are broken?”
Tennessee Williams, Orpheus Descending, 1957.
#amreading #tennesseewilliams #filmadaptation
Year after year after year, accumulating property and money, building up wealth and respect and position in the towns they live in and the counties and cities and the churches they go to, belonging to the clubs and so on and so forth and not a soul but them knowin’ they have to go wash their hands after touching something the other one just put down!” [2/2]
Tennessee Williams, Orpheus Descending, 1957.
#amreading #tennesseewilliams #theatre #filmadaptation
“She was a singular woman. […] She never went out. No one knew her face—admittedly, contemporary music was held in such universal contempt in the early twenty-first century that every new kind of composition had become more or less faceless.”
Pascal Quignard, Villa Amalia, 2006. [Trans. Chris Turner]
#amreading #Quignard #literature #NowWatching #FilmAdaptation
#amreading #quignard #literature #nowwatching #filmadaptation
« C’était une femme singulière. […] Elle ne sortait jamais. Personne ne connaissait son visage—il est vrai que la musique contemporaine était si méprisée, au début du XXIe siècle, dans le monde entier, que tout ce qui se composait de neuf sur terre était devenu à peu près sans visage. »
Pascal Quignard, Villa Amalia, 2006.
#amreading #Quignard #literature #NowWatching #FilmAdaptation
#amreading #quignard #literature #nowwatching #filmadaptation
« C’était une femme singulière. […] Elle ne sortait jamais. Personne ne connaissait son visage—il est vrai que la musique contemporaine était si méprisée, au début du XXIe siècle, dans le monde entier, que tout ce qui se composait de neuf sur terre était devenu à peu près sans visage. »
Pascal Quignard, Villa Amalia, 2006.
#amreading #Quignard #literature #NowWatching #FilmAdaptation
#amreading #quignard #literature #nowwatching #filmadaptation
“As she is slipping out of her panties, the thought goes through her head: is this why I read the whole of Sartre in my spare time, all about Being and about Nothingness? What use is it to me now? I might just as well be a girl who's never read anything but Bravo. You don't need any more for this.”
Elfriede Jelinek, Wonderful Wonderful Times, 1980. [Tr. Michael Hulse]
#amreading #nowwatching #filmadaptation
„Dafür hab ich jetzt den ganzen Sartre in meiner Freizeit gelesen, das ganze Sein und das ganze Nichts, schießt es ihr durch den Kopf, während sie aus der Unterhose steigt. Und jetzt kann ich gar nichts damit anfange. Ich könnte genausogut eine sein, die niemals irgendetwas gelesen hat außer »Bravo«. Mehr ist hier nicht vonnöten.“
Elfriede Jelinek, Die Ausgesperrten, 1980.
#amreading #nowwatching #filmadaptation
„Sie wird ihm eine pornographische Stelle übersetzen, und wenn ihm dann der Sabber runterrinnt, werden Gott und die Libido den Rest ergeben. Sie wird die verschiedene Positionen aus den neuen französischen Filmen einnehmen, was er aber nicht erkennen wird, weil er sich solche Filme nicht anschaut. Nur Tschinbum. Sie wird auf herb machen, aber doch genügend Weiche zeigen, damit er sich nicht fürchtet.“
Elfriede Jelinek, Die Ausgesperrten, 1980.
#amreading #nowwatching #filmadaptation
I love #RaymondChandler, and I'm all kinds of sceptical about this film. (I made a Raymond Chandler Tumblr once - I HAVE OPINIONS.) Based on a #PhilipMarlowe novel not written by Raymond Chandler, the tone feels off, and I think Neeson and Jordan are both wrong choices for a Marlowe film.
Funnily enough, Danny Huston is also in this, and I think he'd be a pretty good Marlowe.
MARLOWE | Official Trailer |
#raymondchandler #PhilipMarlowe #books #film #filmadaptation
« Le centre de toute pruderie ainsi mis à couvert, l’on ne songea point à m’en disputer les surfaces. Zibeddé se rappela le rôle d’amante qu’elle avait autrefois étudié avec sa sœur. Celle-ci voyait dans mes bras l’objet de ses feintes amours, et livrait ses sens à cette douce contemplation. La cadette, souple, vive, brûlante, dévorait par le tact et pénétrait par ses caresses. »
Jan Potocki, Le Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse, 1804.
#amreading #litterature #nowwatching #filmadaptation
Kotaku: Six Things We Just Learned About HBO’s The Last Of Us TV Show #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #actionadventuregames #horrorvideogames #filmadaptation #summergamefest #creativeworks #gameofthrones #maisewilliams #neildruckmann #playstation3 #georgeromero #kaitlyndever #thelastofus #pedropascal #videogaming #craigmazin #videogames #samraimi #netflix #ellie #yoda #joel #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #actionadventuregames #horrorvideogames #filmadaptation #summergamefest #creativeworks #gameofthrones #maisewilliams #neildruckmann #playstation3 #georgeromero #kaitlyndever #thelastofus #pedropascal #videogaming #craigmazin #videogames #samraimi #netflix #ellie #yoda #joel #hbo
“A moment later the bedroom door opened and I saw a totally black figure come in; not a frightening apparition, however, but a beautiful, half-naked negress holding a torch in each hand.”
Jan Potocki, The Manuscript Found in Saragossa, 1810. [Tr. Ian MacLean]
📷 Wojciech Has’s The Saragossa Manuscript (1964).
#amreading #literature #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
SHANNON: Honey girl, don’t you know that nothing worse could happen to a girl in your, your… unstable condition… than to get emotionally mixed up with a man in my unstable condition, huh? [...] Two unstable conditions can set a whole world on fire, can blow it up, past repair, and that is just as true between two people as it’s true between…
Tennessee Williams, The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
MAXINE: What’s “statutory rape”? I’ve never known what that was.
SHANNON: That’s when a man is seduced by a girl under twenty. It’s not funny, Maxine honey.
MAXINE: Why do you want the young ones—or think that you do?
SHANNON: I don’t want any, any—regardless of age.
MAXINE: Then why do you take them, Shannon? Huh, Shannon.
SHANNON: People need human contact, Maxine honey.
Tennessee Williams, The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
SHANNON: Something like… God?
HANNAH: Broken gates between people so they can reach each other, even if it’s just for one night only. [...] A little understanding exchanged between them, a wanting to help each other through nights like this. [2/2]
Tennessee Williams, The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
📷 Deborah Kerr and Richard Burton in John Huston’s The Night of the Iguana (1964)
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
MAXINE: You’re not for Shannon and Shannon isn’t for you.
HANNAH: Mrs. Faulk, I’m a New England spinster who is pushing forty. [...] do I look like a vamp?
MAXINE: They come in all types. I’ve had all types of them here.
Tennessee Williams, The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
📷 Ava Gardner and Deborah Kerr in John Huston’s The Night of the Iguana (1964)
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
MAXINE: You’re not for Shannon and Shannon isn’t for you.
HANNAH: Mrs. Faulk, I’m a New England spinster who is pushing forty. [...] do I look like a vamp?
MAXINE: They come in all types. I’ve had all types of them here.
Tennessee Williams The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
📷 Ava Gardner and Deborah Kerr in John Huston’s The Night of the Iguana (1964)
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
SHANNON: Something like… God?
HANNAH: Broken gates between people so they can reach each other, even if it’s just for one night only. [...] A little understanding exchanged between them, a wanting to help each other through nights like this. [2/2]
Tennessee Williams The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
📷 Deborah Kerr and Richard Burton in John Huston’s The Night of the Iguana (1964)
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema
SHANNON: Honey girl, don’t you know that nothing worse could happen to a girl in your, your… unstable condition… than to get emotionally mixed up with a man in my unstable condition, huh? [...] Two unstable conditions can set a whole world on fire, can blow it up, past repair, and that is just as true between two people as it’s true between…
Tennessee Williams The Night of the Iguana, 1961.
#amreading #theatre #nowwatching #filmadaptation #cinema