Peter Foldes: Hunger/La Faim, 1974. Computer animated film. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV.2.1.3 The Seventies. Internet: #peterfoldes #thomasdreher #filmanimation #digitalanimation #linearinterpolation #nestorburtnyk #MarcelliWein #cartoonfilm #stroketostrokemapping #intermediateimage #experimentalfilm #computeranimation
#computeranimation #experimentalfilm #intermediateimage #stroketostrokemapping #cartoonfilm #marcelliwein #nestorburtnyk #linearinterpolation #digitalanimation #filmanimation #thomasdreher #peterfoldes
Dire Straits: Money for Nothing, 1985. Music video by Steve Barron. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV. Music Videos. Internet: #direstraits #stevebarron #markknopfler #moneyfornothing #thomasdreher #musicvideos #computeranimation #musicclips #musicclip #musicvideo #videoart #videoartist #videoartists #videoanimation #videoanimations #filmanimation #filmanimations
#filmanimations #filmanimation #videoanimations #videoanimation #videoartists #videoartist #videoart #musicvideo #musicclip #musicclips #computeranimation #musicvideos #thomasdreher #moneyfornothing #markknopfler #stevebarron #DireStraits
Dire Straits: Money for Nothing, 1985. Music video by Steve Barron. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV. Music Videos. Internet: #direstraits #stevebarron #markknopfler #moneyfornothing #thomasdreher #musicvideos #computeranimation #musicclips #musicclip #musicvideo #videoart #videoartist #videoartists #videoanimation #videoanimations #filmanimation #filmanimations
#filmanimations #filmanimation #videoanimations #videoanimation #videoartists #videoartist #videoart #musicvideo #musicclip #musicclips #computeranimation #musicvideos #thomasdreher #moneyfornothing #markknopfler #stevebarron #DireStraits
Bute, Mary Ellen: Abstronic, film, 1952. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV.1.2 video synthesizers. Internet: #maryellenbute #thomasdreher #oscilloscope #videosynthesizer #visualmusic #abstractfilms #filmanimation #animatedfilms #filmexperiments #experimentalfilms #filmasfilm
#filmasfilm #experimentalfilms #filmexperiments #animatedfilms #filmanimation #abstractfilms #visualmusic #videosynthesizer #Oscilloscope #thomasdreher #maryellenbute
VanDerBeek, Stan/Knowlton, Kenneth C.: Poemfield No.2, film, 1966. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV.2. Internet: #stanvanderbeek #thomasdreher #computerart #computerartist #filmanimation #kenknowlton #digitalart #visualmusic #digitalanimation #digitalanimationart #digitalanimationartist
#digitalanimationartist #digitalanimationart #digitalanimation #visualmusic #DigitalArt #kenknowlton #filmanimation #computerartist #computerart #thomasdreher #stanvanderbeek
William Latham: Mutations, film, 1992. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art. Chapter IV.3 Evolutionary Art. Internet: #williamlatham #stephentodd #filmanimation #evolutionaryart #computerart #computerartists #computerartist #computerartwork #computerartworks #filmanimations #animationsfilm #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #Animationsfilm #filmanimations #computerartworks #computerartwork #computerartist #computerartists #computerart #evolutionaryart #filmanimation #stephentodd #williamlatham
Je déclare le 20 mai 2023 férié !
#filmanimation #filmscultes #animation_3d
#animation_3d #filmscultes #filmanimation
je vous laisse deviner ce que c'est ?
Un petit indice, ça sera en place pour jeudi ;-)
Eh oui, vous avez deviné, ou pas, un calendrier de l'Avent interactif :-)
À jeudi ;-)
#adventcalendar, #calendrieravent, #memoirsofawatchman, #memoiresdunveilleur, #JackChristmasAnimation, #projet, #filmanimation, #film3D, #Blender, #Kdenlive, #linux, #Humangen3D, #Krita, #Twine
#twine #krita #humangen3d #linux #kdenlive #blender #film3d #filmanimation #projet #JackChristmasAnimation #memoiresdunveilleur #memoirsofawatchman #calendrieravent #adventcalendar
Animation in der Filmproduktion - Prozedurale- und Keyframe-Animation im Vergleich // Julien Buschbacher // Praxisprojekt Seminarvortrag via Zoom // 02. Februar 2021, 11:00 Uhr
#Computeranimation #Filmanimation #Kinematik #medieninformatik @th_koeln
#medieninformatik #Kinematik #filmanimation #computeranimation
STEVE CUTTS "Happiness"
ça commence doucement comme le Boléro de Ravel... j'adore :)
#happiness #rat #filmanimation #stevecutts #MastoArt
STEVE CUTTS "Happiness"
ça commence doucement comme le Boléro de Ravel... j'adore :)
#happiness #rat #filmanimation #stevecutts #MastoArt