Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
49 followers · 335 posts · Server

I found 'Tár' to be a most brilliant film, that I hated. I hated everything about the character, & everything that it had to say about art from the perspective of an artist of "high art".

Like- um, everything, elitism has destroyed art. The distinction btw high & low art is a classist, racist, misogynist, sexist, colonial (by way of appropriation & recuperation) projection onto a universally human activity, both in its creation & its appreciation, to disenfranchise the most of us from the least (in all regards) of us. If we've learned nothing of elites, it's that they have very little (if any) real appreciation of art. This is directly linked to the downturn in schools of art & the fostering of new artists, but broadly, the humanities, which should be the fertile ground for critical analysis, & appreciation of art. The humanities is the place in which we should be arguing about why this or that is important in the context of our lived experiences as individuals, cultures & societies.

Lydia Tár is the avatar of this ongoing process & everything wrong with it.

#tar #lydiatar #filmcriticsm #art #thearts #artsfunding #lydiatarisdead

Last updated 2 years ago