12pt9 · @12pt9
240 followers · 479 posts · Server cinematheque.social

Back to the old tricks.

March 29: Deception on

Vérités et Mensonges is what it's actually called, but you may know it as F for Fake (1973). Orson Welles and three uncredited fellow conspirators – Gary Graver, Oja Kodar, and François Reichenbach – delve into the world of forger Elmyr de Hory by way of his biographer Clifford Irving. Welles et al free-associate with concepts of art, lies, , and . Houdin, Welles, Picasso and Hughes, hoaxers, hucksters and artists in their own right. And then it's over: this work of art, this sleight of hand, this demonstration of factuality, an exposé.

@film letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bale

#bales2023filmchallenge #smokeandmirrorsday #art #deception #authenticity #film #cinema #orsonwelles #ojakodar #howardhughes #hoax #fforfake #filmessay #documentary #filmastodon #cinemastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Tucker Teague · @tuckerteague
914 followers · 521 posts · Server mastodon.social

I finished the film SANS SOLEIL (1983, d. Chris Marker). I've seen it before and it's one of my favorites. Amazing film that often gets called a documentary but is really a film essay of sorts; a kind of meditation on society, time, memory, culture, and the nature of being. Marker was one of the greatest and most enigmatic filmmakers.

#chrismarker #sanssoleil #cinema #film #documentary #filmessay #memory #time #art #avantgarde

Last updated 2 years ago

Luka /toot.si/ · @luka
502 followers · 4700 posts · Server toot.si

I'm supporting nerdwriter on Patreon.

Watch "The Secret of Sexism" on YouTube - youtu.be/a_kErty6kug

#nerdwriter #filmessay #socialcommentary

Last updated 8 years ago