Please vote for Maighdean-ròin (Selkie) and Às an Uarach (From Above)
Bhòtaibh airson Maighdean-ròin is Às an Uarach, le ur toil!
I'm really pleased to have entered two of my recent filmpoems into the #FilmG15 Competiton this year, for Gaelic short films.
These two works are collaborations with Alex Nichol and were commissioned for the Hands Across the Sea filmpoetry conference, held at An Lanntair, Stornoway, last year.
~ Marcas
Please vote for Maighdean-ròin (Selkie) and Às an Uarach (From Above)
Bhòtaibh airson Maighdean-ròin is Às an Uarach, le ur toil!
I'm really pleased to have entered two of my recent filmpoems into the FilmG 15 Competiton this year, for Gaelic short films.
These two works are collaborations with Alex Nichol and were commissioned for the Hands Across the Sea filmpoetry conference.
~ Marcas
#filmg15 #FilmG #gaidhlig #gaelic
Tha na britheamhan air tighinn gu co-dhùnadh… Chì sinn sibh aig na Duaisean! Nominees will be hearing from us shortly.
#FilmG15 #Gàidhlig
Please do give our wee film your daily vote in the #FilmG Open Category. It was created in collaboration with Alex Nicholl and Malou Micola and includes a beautiful translation into #SouthernSami by Johan Sandberg McGuinne.
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Samisk #åarjelsaemiengïele #filmpoem #filmg #Poetryfilm #filmpoetry #sydsamiska #sørsamisk #filmfestival #ScottishLiterature #GaelicLiterature #GaelicPoetry #ScottishPoetry #Gaelicfilm #scottishfilm
#scottishfilm #gaelicfilm #scottishpoetry #gaelicpoetry #gaelicliterature #scottishliterature #filmfestival #sorsamisk #sydsamiska #Filmpoetry #poetryfilm #filmpoem #aarjelsaemiengiele #samisk #gaidhlig #gaelic #southernsami #FilmG #filmg15
I'm supper chuffed to see Dath Falaichte from Millburn Academy reach the Youth Shortlists in FilmG 15.
It was a huge honour to see them use my song Silhouette in the soundtrack for the film and it's great to see young people engaging with themes of LGBTQ equality in this way!
Please vote for them!
Mealaibh an naidheachd to Mrs Chaimbeul and all the young people involved!
~ Marcas
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #FilmG #FilmG15 #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBTQI #Inverness #GME #GLE
#gle #GME #inverness #lgbtqi #lgbt #lgbtq #filmg15 #FilmG #gaidhlig #gaelic
I'm supper chuffed to see Dath Falaichte from Millburn Academy reach the Youth Shortlists in FilmG 15.
It was a huge honour to see them use my song Silhouette in the soundtrack for the film and it's great to see young people engaging with themes of LGBTQ equality in this way!
Please vote for them!
Mealaibh an naidheachd to Mrs Chaimbeul and all the young people involved!
~ Marcas
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #FilmG #FilmG15 #LGBTQ #LGBT #LGBTQI #Inverness #GME #GLE
#gle #GME #inverness #lgbtqi #lgbt #lgbtq #filmg15 #FilmG #gaidhlig #gaelic
I'm excited to let you know that my filmpoem Maighdean-ròin, which I made in collaboration with Alex Nichol, has been shortlisted for a FilmG Award, Best Creativity.
You can still vote for this and my other film Às an Uarach in the public vote, and there is no restriction on how many times you can vote, so keep visiting the page!
Vote now and vote often!
~ Marcas
#filmg15 #FilmG #gaidhlig #gaelic
Tha a' bhòt phoblach #FilmG nise beò.
Dèanaibh cinnteach gun bhòt sibh airson “Am Flùr Seunta” le Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Pheofharain.
(Tha mac mo pheathar a’ nochdadh sa chulaibh mar sin ‘s dòcha gu bheil mi rud beag taobhach 😂)
#gaelic #gaidhlig #filmg15 #FilmG