🎬 Wir suchen: Filmemacher*in für Dokumentation über die Radbahn
Um die Geschichte des Reallabor Radbahn zu erzählen, suchen wir eine Person, die einen Kurz-Dok-film von April bis November dreht.
#Radbahn #reallaborradbahn #dokfilm #filmjobs
We are looking for a Theatrical Marketing Manager to join our UK team! Chance to help head up UK rollouts of a whole bunch of stuff - including EVIL DEAD RISE (our film in the UK), CAT PERSON (premiering at Sundance), THE OUTRUN, and when the time comes... 🐻
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"How could I have known that murder could sometimes smell like honeysuckle?" Double Indemnity. Billy Wilder. 1944.
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#thrillertuesday #doubleindemnity #billywilder #FredMacMurray #crime #barbarastanwyck #criterioncollection #noir #moviescene #filmlover #cinephile #drama #moments #quote #filmjobs #key #blackandwhite #motionpicture #photography #bw #old #hollywood #40s #filmnoir #murder
The IFI is #NowHiring a Venue Hire Coordinator and a Development Officer.
More info & apply here: https://ifi.ie/about/jobs/
#jobfairy #irishjobfairy #hiringnow #filmjobs
#nowhiring #jobfairy #irishjobfairy #hiringnow #filmjobs