"Dominik Moll’s police procedural runs circles around the misogyny entrenched in patriarchal society": THE NIGHT OF THE 12TH (LA NUIT DU 12, 2022) on US VOD/digital from today via #FilmMovement
"Fatherhood is frightening in Park Kang’s sinuous, slippery feature, where a newborn’s arrival engenders superstition, paranoia & guilt": superlative, maybe supernatural post-partum psychodrama SEIRE is on US VOD/digital from today via #FilmMovement https://projectedfigures.com/2022/11/11/seire-2021
"Hong Seong-eun’s feature debut turns the lonely self-exile of its apanthropic heroine into a barebones urban ghost story": ALONERS (2021) on US VOD/digital via #FilmMovement. Highly recommended. https://projectedfigures.com/2021/11/06/aloners-2021
"Dominik Moll’s police procedural runs circles around the misogyny entrenched in patriarchal society": THE NIGHT OF THE 12TH (LA NUIT DU 12, 2022) opens at NYC's Quad Cinema from today, via #FilmMovement https://projectedfigures.com/2023/03/11/the-night-of-the-12th-la-nuit-du-12-2022/
Film about a San Francisco band. Premiered at SXSW. #musicdocumentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg4nV9tQYvc #FilmMovement #TalkingHeads
#musicdocumentary #filmmovement #talkingheads