Kosmicheskiy Reys (Cosmic Voyage) (Vasili Zhuravlyov, 1936) - love this poster but love the film more - Kim Newman explains better than I could why...
#FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #SovietCinema #OldFilms #ScienceFiction #CosmicVoyage #KosmicheskiyReys
#kosmicheskiyreys #cosmicvoyage #sciencefiction #oldfilms #sovietcinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday
Fantastic poster for the brilliant 1933 King Kong (and the sketch I made of it for Inktober) - haven't managed to identify the artist - but what a great job they did!
#FilmPosterOfTheDay #KingKong #FilmPoster #Poster #cinemastodon #ClassicCinema #OldFilms
#oldfilms #classiccinema #cinemastodon #poster #filmposter #kingkong #filmposteroftheday
These are probably my three fave #UniversalHorror films and three wonderfully rich posters for them by Karoly Grosz
#FilmPosterOfTheDay #Horror #HorrorFilms #FilmPoster #TheMummy #TheOldDarkHouse #TheBrideOfFrankenstein #KarolyGrosz
#karolygrosz #thebrideoffrankenstein #theolddarkhouse #TheMummy #filmposter #horrorfilms #horror #filmposteroftheday #universalhorror
I enjoyed The Rocketeer (Joe Johnston, 1991) but definitely loved the poster (by John Mattos) more - I also love the Barry Norman quote on there!
#johnmattos #TheRocketeer #filmposter #filmposteroftheday
Two posters by the great artist Anselmo Ballester - chosen because they are both considerably better than the films they're promoting - which I guess is what a poster should be to get you in front of the film!
Scirocco (Curtis Bernhardt, 1951)
Cover Girl (Charles Vidor, 1944)
#FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #RitaHayworth #HumphreyBogart #AnselmoBallester #Sirocco #CoverGirl #cinemastodon #ClassicCinema #OldFilms
#oldfilms #classiccinema #cinemastodon #covergirl #sirocco #anselmoballester #HumphreyBogart #ritahayworth #filmposter #filmposteroftheday
French poster for Shanghai Express (Joseph Von Sternberg, 1932) - I can't make out the artist's name - it's Roger something (any help appreciated) ~ but such a great poster!
#FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #ShanghaiExpress #MarleneDietrich #cinemastodon #ClassicCinema #OldFilms
#oldfilms #classiccinema #cinemastodon #marlenedietrich #shanghaiexpress #filmposter #filmposteroftheday
Poster for Satyajit Ray's Charulata - I believe this was painted/designed by Ray himself
#SatyajitRay #Charulata #ClassicCinema #cinemastodon #FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #Cinema #Film
#film #cinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday #cinemastodon #classiccinema #charulata #SatyajitRay
Fab poster for The Marx Brothers A Day at The Races (Sam Wood, 1937) by the caricaturist Al Hirschfeld
#AlHirschfeld #MarxBrothers #ADayAtTheRaces #ClassicCinema #cinemastodon #FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #Cinema #Film
#film #cinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday #cinemastodon #classiccinema #adayattheraces #marxbrothers #alhirschfeld
Saw the bizarre/bonkers silent film Salome with live percussion accompaniment at The Purcell Room back in 2012 ~ this poster for it is rather lovely (and not particularly bizarre or bonkers)
#SilentCinema #Salome #Nazimova #ClassicCinema #cinemastadon #FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #Cinema #Film
#film #cinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday #cinemastadon #classiccinema #nazimova #Salome #silentcinema
Beautiful poster for the lovely 1945 Ealing Film "Painted Boats" - the painting is by the great British artist John Piper
#PaintedBoats #EalingFilms #JohnPiper #ClassicCinema #cinemastadon #FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #Cinema #Film
#film #cinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday #cinemastadon #classiccinema #JohnPiper #ealingfilms #paintedboats
One of my all time favourite films is my favourite Hitchcock film. Rear Window.
What’s everyone’s favourite Hitchcock film?
Link - https://youtu.be/2WT0Kb2pTb8
#filmstudies #filmposteroftheday #hitchcock
Lovely poster for the (also lovely) L'Atalante (Jean Vigo, 1934)
#JeanVigo #LAtalante #ClassicCinema #cinemastadon #FilmPosterOfTheDay #FilmPoster #Cinema #Film
#film #cinema #filmposter #filmposteroftheday #cinemastadon #classiccinema #latalante #jeanvigo