A future James Bond film: the rending of hearts, a unique spin on nuclear blackmail, and a climax at Lake Baikal? Sounds awesome, doesn't it?
Read more at my #blog: https://www.adamasnemesis.com/2021/12/04/ever-rending-another-bond-movie-id-make/
This post's featured image is Rogelio de Egusquiza's "Tristan and Isolde" (1912).
#JamesBond #film #critique #cinema #movies #spymovie #actionmovie #blog #brainstorming #worldbuilding #filmproposal
#blog #JamesBond #film #critique #cinema #movies #spymovie #actionmovie #brainstorming #worldbuilding #filmproposal
My next Bond: ski chases choreographed to "You Know My Name", social media manipulation, Tibetan monasteries, dancing with shadows, and more. The title: "Shadows Never Lie".
Read more at my blog: https://www.adamasnemesis.com/2021/10/22/shadows-never-lie-the-next-bond-film-id-make/
This post's featured image is "An Allegory of Lost Love" by Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach.
#JamesBond #film #critique #cinema #movies #spymovie #actionmovie #blog #brainstorming #worldbuilding #filmproposal
#JamesBond #film #critique #cinema #movies #spymovie #actionmovie #blog #brainstorming #worldbuilding #filmproposal