Alexander Ruthol · @Je5usaurus_rex
249 followers · 1857 posts · Server

When you hear about orphan children being sent to "filtration camps", you should know that this has happened before, and that it is a lot worse than you think. And that russia has never paid any price for its atrocities.

#chechnya #filtrationcamps #russia

Last updated 2 years ago

2023-01-21 :

Teenager from Mariupol told the truth about Russian filtration camps at .

Oleksandr , 12, told how Russians took him away from his mom and told him a family would him.

Oleksandr was returned to . His mom is in , there is no information about her.

#russianwarofagression #RussiaIsATerroristState #warcrimes #filtrationcamps #captivity #Ukraine #adopt #radchuk #davos #video

Last updated 2 years ago

katzenberger · @katzenberger
146 followers · 702 posts · Server

"In these are interrogated, threatened, verbally and, in some cases, physically assaulted. Various reports also indicate that some people, who do not pass interrogation, simply disappear."

Don't say you didn't know.

#RussianWarCrimes #disappear #filtrationcamps #ukraine #abused #refugees #camps

Last updated 2 years ago