Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Scootaloo's First Friend, First Sleepover Between Friends and Meet the Aunts by SuperPinkBrony12
This is a short set of slice of life fics involving the CMC. the 1st fic set before the start of the series where Scootaloo and her parents have just moved to Ponyville. Scoots is told to go out and explore and maybe find some friends, Scoots meets Sweetie Belle. The 2nd is about a week later and the 2 new friends having a SleepOver at scoots parents place. The 3rd is after the 2 meet Apple Bloom and another sleepover introducing Lofty and Holiday to Scoots new friends.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation (reread)
All the Ways to Love By Snow Quill
I reread this adorable little slice of life romance fic which is a 3 way relationship between the older CMC. The CMC were best friends forever and just find they had fallen into being in an actual relationship without formally ever dating. They just became an item. While enjoying a movie night together they realise they never went on a 1st date. So the 3 of them go on a trip to Canterlot and each one will plan a date. As usual for the CMC things don't go as they would have liked or expected.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
A Twilight Dinner Date by Fimbulvinter
This is a simple random slice of life fic. Batponies have returned to Equestria and not many ponies are ready to trust them. A Batpony named Nocturnal Melody moves to Ponyville and meets up with Twilight who is greatly respected by batponies as she is the one who freed Luna who they honour. Twilight wants to learn more about the batponies and the 2 end up going to dinner before twilight gets to ask her questions and learn everything she can about the mysterious batponies. This fic has a reading <>
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
A little dress poker by Jeweled Pen
This is a fun shorter slice of life comedy fic featuring Vinyl Scratch, Shining Armor and a Lunar Guard. The fic is told changing between the 3 characters perspectives after they wake up after a night on the town and getting very very drunk. They are also not dressed as they would expect after playing a number of drunk rounds of Dress Poker. It is very very silly and a good giggle.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Pancakes by fluttermoontree
A short little slice of life romance fic between Twilight and Celestia. Fic is set years after twilight has taken over ruling equestria. Celestia has come to visit and they spend time together. Twilight wants to make Celestia her favourite pancakes for breakfast but it does not go quite to plan. who would have thought that twilight would mess up something as simple as pancakes.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation (reread)
Tiny Wings by DeadParrot222
This is an early Scootaloo focused Slice of Life fic. Scoots gets her cutiemark after performing a pretty crazy stunt on her scooter. As a reward for getting her cutiemark Dash promises to give Scoots flying lessons. This unfortunately does not go as well as either would like due to Scoots Tiny Wings. Fic features themes of depression and self harm as scoots has to battle with her condition.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Two Short kinda Sad fics.
Black Hole Sun By SPark
Cadance has just become an alicorn and is coming into her new powers which includes seeing the auroras around ponies revealing their emotional state. However when Cadance looks at Celestia she sees lots of black around her.
Paper Tigers By MidnightDancer
Alicorns are immortal and are soo powerful that they could destroy everything, Celly teaches Twilight that they have to learn control of their emotions because of the dangers that a slip-up due to anger could result in lots of harm. Celestia Like Origami and describes Alicorns as Paper Tigers.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation (reread)
The Moon and her Star By Phoenix Nebula
This is a short slice of life Alternate Universe Fic featuring Twilight and Luna/Nightmare Moon. Twilight is an orphan after the death of her parents She is very lonely and makes a wish on the moon for a mother. Nightmare Moon is on the moon in her lonely palace she had built for herself wishing she was not alone anymore.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation (reread)
Three Gems and a Scooter By RaylanKrios
This is a little Sadish Drama Slice of life Scootadopt fic featuring Scootaloo and Rarity. I gave this fic a reread recently and really enjoyed it again. It is not a scootadopt i thought i would like given the differences between Rarity and Scootaloo. The way the characters are written works quite well with Rarities Generosity and Scootaloo in this one being abit closed off from others but still her brash personality. Scoots has bounced between several foster homes and it just never works. She is going to be sent off to another family in Baltimare and Sweetie Belle is distraught. Rarity being Rarity wants to help so she decides to foster Scoots so she can stay in Ponyville.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
The Play's The Thing by HMXTaylorLee
This is an adorable Slice of life Romance fic featuring Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The school is putting on a play and Sweetie Belle is the director for the play that involves the love between a unicorn and a pegasus during the times that such unions between the pony races aren't exactly accepted. Sweetie Belle is heavily crushing on Scoots and wants to use the opportunity to confess how she feels. Diamond Tiara spends the fic being her early days nasty self thinking its unfair that Sweetie Belle is in charge.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
The Problem With Pegasi by shortskirtsandexplosions
This is a short and adorably silly slice of life romance fic with some rather strange but cute pegasi behaviour. AJ keeps waking up with Dash next to here and Dash has also been constantly sleep flying and finding AJ no matter what. AJ goes to Rarity for help but dash still finds her.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Finding a Haven by SockPuppet
This is an adventure fic set many years before the start of G5. Queen Haven is just a princess at this time. A unicorn is born in zephyr Heights, its not common but since the 3 races did used to intermarry sometimes a foal is born to the wrong tribe. Princess Haven is tasked to bring the unicorn foal to Bridlewood in hope that the unicorns will take in the foal even though the 3 races are separated.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Fluttershy and Celestia Play Chess by BronyWriter
This is a fun little slice of life fic focused on Fluttershy and Celestia. The Mane6 are in canterlot for a wonderbolt's show but fluttershy is not that interested. So instead she spends the day with Celestia and they end up playing afew games of chess. At a surprise to Celestia Fluttershy is VERY good at chess.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation (reread)
Out Sick By Meowofy
This is probably one of the most adorably cute fics i have ever read between Filly Twilight and Celestia. Filly Twilight is sick after spending a little too much time playing in the snow. Celestia is learning new experiences with having to look after the young filly in a very motherly kind of way. Like all children Twilight does not want to take her medicine. The fic has interwoven bits with Celestias thoughts on the situation like she is writing a friendship report to Luna.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
New Feelings by Silver Scrolls
This is just a simple cute little TwiLestia Romance. Celestia is in canterlot holding court she is lonely but knows she cant love a mortal. Twilight recently ascended to being an alicron is thinking that due to her status now there is no chance of a relationship. The fic spends time with each of them trying to work out what to do with others assistance.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
In Search of Knowledge by thehalfelf
This is a fun little slice of life romance fic between Cheerilee and Twilight. It is the time that the students in Cheerilees class learn about the different pony races, however the standard textbook is super old and lacking more modern information. After talking with Twilight and at a suggestion of Celestia Twilight and Cheerliee decide to start a project to rewrite the textbook. The only issue is that Cheerilee has had a crush on Twi for awhile and adorkable little twilight is kind of oblivious.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Three Short Random Comedy Fics.
What's The Deal With Technology? By Coronet the lesser
Luna has been having trouble understanding the level of technology she has been studying modern technology and the level of tech is confusing her. So she challenges Celestia to explain why techology is at soo many different levels (like laundry machines)
199,412 By 8_Bit
Luna is banished to the moon and is starting to go a little crazy. So she starts talking to things and working out plans for redecorating.
Flight of the Scootaloo By kudzuhaiku
Scoots wants to fly, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are there to help her. However maybe combining a massive down hill ramp and her scooter were not the best ideas. Poor little scootaloo while she can't fly certainly knows how to crash.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation reread
A Bluebird's Song by Ardensfax
One of my all time favourite TwiDash Romance Adventure fics(with some darker/sad moments). Dash has her speed record broken and is depressed and realises that she does not like who she is becoming. Twi helps her out and helps Dash realises she had feelings for twi. The main adventure of this fic focuses around Twilight making a discovery with Dashs assistance about the secrets of Pegasus flight, However discovering this secret makes some other ponies not too happy wanting to keep it hidden at all costs.
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Two Shorter Slice of Life fics by WaywardSon
Late Delivery
Set before the start of G5. The 3 tribes are separated now but before they were together. Sometimes a foal is born of the 'wrong' tribe. A group of ponies do what they can to keep foals like these safe and get them homes safe with their own tribe.
Sisters' Moon
A beautiful recent fic where the the mane6 are about to celebrate the eclipse. Sunny realises that all her friends even though separate celebrate the event calling it the same name the "Sisters' Moon". What follows is a discovery of the past and the history of why the event is called the "Sisters' Moon"
Todays #fimfic #fanfic Recommendation
Luna's Day Out By AVeryStrange
Adorable early days fic which is light Romance, a bit of comedy and general slice of life featuring Luna and Fluttershy. The fic is from a time after Season 1 but before Season 2. Luna wants to spend time with Celly but Celly is too busy. Luna is not happy and is still recovering from her banishment. Celly suggests spending the day with Twilight but things don't go to plan and Luna ends up spending the day with Fluttershy instead. Several early day fandom references such as Luna and her Abacus and Socks making everything better. Luna and Fluttershy spend the day exploring Canterlot and generally having fun.