ah yes, but that required planning permission(s) & real work... a CBDC (an emerging acronym) would only need the political will of the #finaincialservcies sector & we know the politicians have the strings pulled by the #bankers.... my guess, while contentious it'll be up & running before the end of the decade!
Its hardly surprising that the #NHScrisis has led to the targeting of those on waiting lists by #BuyNowPayLater firms aiming to 'help' them get private #healthcare;
this #Tory made crisis is enriching #finaincialservcies & other Tory chums, while degrading our #health & #wellbeing.
The strategic defunding of the #NHS is intended to expand the market for private healthcare... who have been preparing by expanding capacity & poaching NHS staff.
#nhscrisis #buynowpaylater #healthcare #tory #finaincialservcies #health #wellbeing #nhs #SaveOurNHS
Once again the word #contagion sums up the concerns in the #banking sector, leading many to wonder about the role of #socialmedia in spreading negative sentiment about specific banks & the financial sector more widely...
You may think bankers & other #finaincialservcies professions claim their astronomical levels of pay because they are sophisticated readers of the market situation & have deep insights... given they can be swayed by rumours & conjectures on social media you may be wrong!
#Contagion #banking #socialmedia #finaincialservcies