I've always struggled with decision paralysis (e.g., choosing an ice cream flavor or ordering at a restaurant are ridiculously painful).
So grading exams is always the painful/exhausting culmination of an otherwise enjoyable semester (so many decisions!! need to keep things fair/balanced, but want to give partial credit for what pieces were understood, but need to weight different types of errors differently and consistently...)
#grading #finalExams
Grading #FinalExams in my Environmental Earth Science class today. I asked students: "In your lifetime, what is one way that #ClimateChange is affecting or will affect you personally? "
Top answers from my students in Ohio:
- Loss of snowy winters
- problems with hotter summers
- links between air quality and health
- increased frequency and severity of storms, fires, floods affecting their families or places they want to visit or live.
- increasing food costs
- concern about starting a family
Grading #FinalExams in my Environmental Earth Science class today. I asked students: "In your lifetime, what is one way that climate change is affecting or will affect you personally? "
Top answers from my students in Ohio:
- Loss of snowy winters
- problems with hotter summers
- links between air quality and health
- increased frequency and severity of storms, fires, floods affecting their families or places they want to visit or live.
- increasing food costs
- concern about starting a family
Any tips on how to sleep? I'm struggling to fall asleep/stay asleep for longer than a couple hours. Only have tried melatonin and white noise. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! #sleep-deprived #lawstudent #finalexams
#sleep #lawstudent #finalexams
RT @DrMeghanNorris@twitter.com
This is so important: do not write your exam if you are unwell!! Follow the link below for steps. #QueensU #FinalExams @PsychologyDsc@twitter.com #InThisTogether #AcademicConsiderations https://twitter.com/quartsci/status/1600203426314453021
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrMeghanNorris/status/1600234159221272576
#queensu #finalexams #inthistogether #academicconsiderations