kristophr · @kristophr
421 followers · 2408 posts · Server
Krafty 😺❀️ · @krafty
65 followers · 29 posts · Server
Toxic_Ally :twitch: :ve_purp: · @ToxicAlly
44 followers · 198 posts · Server

Its Sunday! Get ready for streams of Final Fnatasy 12 Zodiac Age and Pathfinder 2e Abomination Vaults. Come hang out, watch and chat!

πŸ’¨ On

#twitch #streaming #twitchstreamer #smallstreamer #rpg #finalfantasy #finalfantasy12 #gamer

Last updated 2 years ago

Toxic_Ally :twitch: :ve_purp: · @ToxicAlly
44 followers · 197 posts · Server

We got the sword but Larsa was stolen away and the only solution is to head to Archades and take out the nethicite labratory! Bring it on!

πŸ’¨ Streaming Final Fantasy 12 on

#rpg #streaming #twitch #twitchstreamer #gamer #smallstreamer #finalfantasy #finalfantasy12 #playthrough #gameplay

Last updated 2 years ago

Toxic_Ally :twitch: :ve_purp: · @ToxicAlly
45 followers · 195 posts · Server

Unlocked the path through the jungle after saving Mjrn. Now we can finally get to Mt Bur-Omisace after a few more sidequests.

🌬 Streaming Final Fantasy 12 on

#twitch #twitchstreamers #streaming #finalfantasy12 #gamer #rpg #playthrough #gameplay #smallstreamer

Last updated 2 years ago

Toxic_Ally :twitch: :ve_purp: · @ToxicAlly
45 followers · 189 posts · Server

From Spira to a new world. Final Fantasy 12 is heavy in politics and includes a variety of new characters and cultures. Let's dive in.


#twitch #twitchstreamer #smallstreamer #finalfantasy12 #playthrough #letsplay

Last updated 2 years ago

kinyutaka · @kinyutaka
54 followers · 1116 posts · Server

Gamerant: could revive feature not seen since

They mean

But 15 had an airship in the form of an upgrade to the car, 14 features airships (both the major city to city transport and personal flying conveyances)

It's like these people never play video games

#airships #finalfantasy12 #FinalFantasy16

Last updated 2 years ago

bobcgames (he/him) · @bobcgames
101 followers · 253 posts · Server

Okay, Cat-Ear Hoods plus trial mode is overpowered for money making in

I can fairly easily clear trial 20, and I'm making like a million gil per run with all six characters equipped with Cat-Ear Hood

I'm not gonna have money problems for a while, now πŸ˜…β€‹

#finalfantasy12 #rpg #jrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

bobcgames (he/him) · @bobcgames
100 followers · 233 posts · Server

More stuff...

Maybe I'm missing something here, but there seems to literally be no downside to just repeatedly doing Trial mode while Vossler is in the party

I'm getting several hundred LP per time through, and making more and more progress each time (now I can beat through trial 16), and other than a bit of a time commitment (~15-20 minutes per trial), there seems to be no reason I can't just spam this for a while and get a ton of LP for the party

I've already gotten each character to 3 quickenings thanks to it, and a lot of the boards other than equipment licenses are complete

Is this the "power levelling" of FFXII? πŸ€”β€‹


Last updated 2 years ago

bobcgames (he/him) · @bobcgames
100 followers · 231 posts · Server

Quickenings are great but I wish their animations weren't so long (or were skippable)

is still a lot of fun

That is all πŸ™‚β€‹


Last updated 2 years ago

bobcgames (he/him) · @bobcgames
100 followers · 222 posts · Server

Played some more today and did some more on tonight!

Finished the writing for two more rooms and updated the save/load screen to also include room progress per character... and these changes are indeed backward compatible with demo saves

Each of the characters now has at least one room to play through, so I might look into making initial beta builds soon, just to get other eyes on it and see how it's playing


#finalfantasy12 #gamedev #zrwp #jrpg #rpg #indiedev

Last updated 2 years ago

bobcgames (he/him) · @bobcgames
100 followers · 217 posts · Server

I've been bad at posting updates here

wise, I've finished the enemies for another two rooms in (which I count as 0.5 of a room each), and will finish the writing for those two today

Hoping to get another few rooms done by the end of February, although I'll maybe want to re-balance some of the level requirements before I make too much more progress

Relatedly, if you like games and are interested in helping beta test, please let me know!

In non-dev stuff, I've been playing () at the recommendation of a couple friends... I'm currently just through the Lhusu Mines and discovering Quickenings, and generally really enjoying the game so far!

It's kind of interesting to play this immediately after Soul Hackers 2, because the two games are somewhat opposites in the JRPG space (from character aesthetics and the UI to combat style to music to the worlds in which they take place), but they're both very good in their own way

Hope everyone's had a nice weekend!

#gamedev #zrwp #jrpg #rpg #ffxii #finalfantasy12

Last updated 2 years ago

Boy I sure love when a videogame gives you patently incorrect info to complete a task... Giving me some real NES Castlevania II vibes here, guys.

#videogames #finalfantasy12

Last updated 2 years ago

As much as I'd like a fancy new 4K HDR TV, my TH-58PX60U Panasonic plasma from 2006 just refuses to die.

Sure, it's technically only slightly higher resolution than 720p. Sure, it consumes about a million watts of electricity. But it still spits out a pretty display. And if it's cold, I can warm my hands next to the screen.

Playing on it. A game that I played on this same TV when it was a new PS2 release.


Last updated 2 years ago

Bohemian Dragon · @bohemiandragon
29 followers · 223 posts · Server
Alessandro Rosa · @alessandrorosa
45 followers · 449 posts · Server

Livelloidi, assistenza videoludica richiesta
Final Fantasy 12 (nella versione "The Zodiac Age") si sta rivelando molto piΓΉ ostico del previsto
A chi di voi l'ha giocato chiedo due dritte che mi possano permettere, direttamente a partire dall'earlygame, di minizzare le frustrazioni e i paragoni fantasiosi tra divinitΓ  e essere suini
P.s: il gioco, dopo 12 ore, mi risulta piacevolissimo

#finalfantasy12 #noob #RichiestaSegreta

Last updated 2 years ago

Alessandro Rosa · @alessandrorosa
45 followers · 449 posts · Server

La SIAE apparentemente vuole essere al centro dell'attenzione, coprendo la parola "Final"
Comunque regalo nuovo per il compleanno!

#finalfantasy12 #thezodiacage

Last updated 2 years ago