📅 #NOTICIAS: #SwordofConvallaria 📰
El #SRPG inspirado en series como #FinalFantasyTactics o #TacticsOgre llegará a final de año a móviles y #Steam
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/09/sword-of-convallaria-el-srpg-inspirado.html
#️⃣Tags: #acción #estrategia #aventura #iOS #Android #Smartphone #XDGames
#noticias #swordofconvallaria #srpg #finalfantasytactics #tacticsogre #steam #tags #accion #estrategia #aventura #iOS #android #smartphone #xdgames
Good VGM 170 - Final Fantasy Tactics - Bloody Excrement
#FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyTactics #FFT #Squaresoft #Ivalice #VideoGameMusic #videogames #music #vgm
#vgm #Music #videogames #videogamemusic #ivalice #squaresoft #fft #finalfantasytactics #finalfantasy
I feel like #NikolaiDante would work as a #TacticalRPG in the vein of #FireEmblem, #FinalFantasyTactics, or #TriangleStrategy. The story will probably diverge at least a bit from the comic, since the great loss Dante suffers towards the end is amazing storytelling but not great for gameplay.
Might as well throw in a matchmaking mechanic, and Dante doesn't HAVE to end up with Jena.
#nikolaidante #tacticalrpg #fireemblem #finalfantasytactics #TriangleStrategy
Shamelessly stolen from Facebook.
#finalfantasy12 #finalfantasytactics #ivalice #finalfantasyxiv #fft #ff12 #ffxiv #squareenix #squaresoft #gaming #games #gaymer
#finalfantasy12 #finalfantasytactics #ivalice #finalfantasyxiv #fft #ff12 #ffxiv #squareenix #squaresoft #gaming #games #gaymer
#CrimsonTactics ist in den Early Access gestartet! Ab sofort kann das rundenbasierte Strategie-RPG auf Steam gespielt werden. Der Titel wurde von Spielen wie #FinalFantasyTactics und #TacticsOgre inspiriert. https://jpgames.de/2023/07/inspiriert-von-final-fantasy-tactics-und-tactics-ogre-crimson-tactics-startet-in-den-early-access/
#tacticsogre #finalfantasytactics #crimsontactics
Dude! Arcadian Atlas is finally out! I've been waiting 5-6 years for this! If you like Final Fantasy Tactics, you're going to dig this.
#game #rpg #finalfantasytactics
Another #drawing inspired by the style of #FinalFantasyTactics and #NiGHTSIntoDreams
His name is Daxx.
#Drawing #finalfantasytactics #nightsintodreams #Art #sketch
Project I will never finish no-372
A #ChooseYourOwnAdventure #gamebook using chits and a chessboard for conflict resolution based off my #RPG system greed hunter.
Been planning this casually for months the comics i was working on and its setting setting slowly evolved into a novel which turned into this.
I am thinking of narratives more and more fragmented and less and less definitive.
Branching paths seem more logical and likely then linearity.
Kind of a luddite's #FinalFantasyTactics
#Chooseyourownadventure #gamebook #rpg #finalfantasytactics
Rumores van y vienen acerca del regreso de #FinalFantasyTactics, y su director habló de un cambio que le haría al juego al remasterizarlo :3. https://tinyurl.com/3yr3xpum
Unintentionally my outfit is as close to old school Moogle style without having a springy red thing coming off my hat #FinalFantasyTactics
#Platinum #84: #FellSeal: Arbiter's Mark
Was nice that I didn't have to re-play to get the #achievements. @6EyesStudioLLC did a great job taking me back to the good ol' days of #FinalFantasyTactics , and I'm looking forward to their next game; looks like it might be similar?
#platinum #fellseal #achievements #finalfantasytactics
I think me and this #RG35XX are gonna experience most of the #Playstation library for the first time together.
I was a #Sega fanboy, so I sort of refused to care about anything that was a PS exclusive, but there seems to be some really good stuff from the #16bit era that got even better on #PS1.
#finalFantasyTactics looks kinda awesome, and #castlevania symphony of the night looks like it could be the best version of that game!
What other #PSOne games do I need to check out?
#videogames #psone #castlevania #finalfantasytactics #ps1 #16bit #sega #playstation #rg35xx
Every time I open this book, I smile. ♥️📚
The recreation of iconic scenes fills me with a sense of creativity and wonder, and I wholeheartedly recommend this to any fan of #FinalFantasy.
Tatsuya Tanaka is an absolute genius. 📸
#VideoGames #VideoGame #Gaming #Games #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyTactics #FFVII #FFIX #FFXII #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #FFXVI #Photography #Miniature #MiniaturePhotography #Toys #Fun #Creative #Sephiroth #FFVIII #FFX #FFVI #SquareEnix
#squareenix #ffvi #ffx #ffviii #Sephiroth #creative #Fun #Toys #miniaturephotography #miniature #Photography #ffxvi #bookstodon #Books #book #ffxii #ffix #ffvii #finalfantasytactics #Games #Gaming #videogame #videogames #finalfantasy
#NES - #LegendOfZelda
#SNES - #LegendOfZeldaALinkToThePast
#Sega - #Sonic (I didn't have a Sega growing up so only got to play Sonic when I could)
#PS1 - #FinalFantasyTactics
#PS2 - #FinalFantasy10
#PC - #FinalFantasy11 (My all time ever favorite game ever of all time)
#PS3 - #Destiny1
#PS4 - #Destiny #Destiny2
#PS5 - #Destiny2
#Xbox - #StubbsTheZombie (excellent soundtrack)
#Xbox360 - #TheLastRemnant
#PSP - #Patapon or #EveryExtendExtra
#nes #legendofzelda #snes #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #sega #sonic #ps1 #finalfantasytactics #ps2 #finalfantasy10 #pc #finalfantasy11 #ps3 #destiny1 #PS4 #destiny #destiny2 #ps5 #xbox #stubbsthezombie #xbox360 #thelastremnant #psp #patapon #everyextendextra #shareyourgames
Es ist wieder soweit für den #retromontag. Heute gibt es ein Spiel für die #Psp von #Sony
Ich habe das Spiel geliebt aber eine Sache war wirklich schlimm. Egal was du gemacht hast es hat ewig gedauert bis es geladen war. Als ein #FinalFantasyTactics artiges Spiel hattest du knapp 40-60 Stunden spiel + nochmal das gleiche für die Ladezeiten 😅
Hat sich aber gelohnt.
#retro #gaming #streaming #twitch #twitchde #retrocollector #collector #manga #anime
#retromontag #psp #sony #finalfantasytactics #retro #gaming #streaming #twitch #TwitchDE #retrocollector #collector #manga #anime
Ein potenzielles Remaster zu #FinalFantasyTactics beherrscht nicht erst seit gestern die Gerüchteküchen der Videospielwelt. Nun füttert Journalist und Branchen-Insider Jason Schreier das Gespräch mit einem weiteren Hinweis. https://jpgames.de/2023/02/die-hinweise-verdichten-sich-remaster-zu-final-fantasy-tactics-kommt-sagt-schreier/
A Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster hasn't been announced yet, but Jason Schreier has said that it's 'coming.' #FinalFantasyTactics https://gamesense.co/game/final-fantasy-tactics/news/discuss/final-fantasy-tactics-remaster-is-coming-says-jason-schreierplaystation-universe/
Happy 20th to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance! One of the very few games I’ve pre-ordered in my whole life, I’ve probably put more hours into it than any other GBA game. I even got this rad Nintendo Power strategy guide as a pre-order bonus. https://na.finalfantasy.com/topics/419
#finalfantasy #finalfantasytactics #gba #retrogaming
Ist ein Remaster zu #FinalFantasyTactics auf dem Weg? In einem Interview könnte sich #SquareEnix-Produzent Ichirō Hazama verplappert haben. Und schon vor über einen Jahr war ein solches Remaster im Gespräch. https://jpgames.de/2023/02/remaster-zu-final-fantasy-tactics-auf-dem-weg-produzent-ichiro-hazama-streut-hinweise/
#squareenix #finalfantasytactics