Final Fantasy XIII: Finished
While I can see how some folks think this is the worst of the Final Fantasy games, I really liked it... mostly.
#finalfantasy #finalfantasyxiii #review
Staying Motivated for Retro World Expo 2023
This weekend in glorious Hartford, Connecticut. Could I be more motivated?
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #FinalFantasyXIII #ParappaTheRapper #RetroWorldExpo #UmJammerLammy #vectrex
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #finalfantasyxiii #parappatherapper #retroworldexpo #umjammerlammy #vectrex
Final Fantasy XIII goes Chapter 11
Our crafty band of l'Cie defeat the big bad for the second time and head back to Cocoon to either save or destroy the floating world.
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #finalfantasyxiii #barthandelus
FFXIII: Welcome to Gran Pulse
After fifteen years or so, I finally beat Berthandelus in Final Fantasy XIII, and can finally enter the second half of the game.
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIII #Berthandelus
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxiii #berthandelus
(Not) Taming the Backlog
If I die, let it be beneath a mound of unplayed video games. Might as well accept the inevitable, right?
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIII #NintendoSwitch #Pokemon #WhiteKnightChronicles #LegendOfZelda #LiveALive #OctopathTraveler #PanzerDragoon #PokemonArceus
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxiii #nintendoswitch #pokemon #whiteknightchronicles #legendofzelda #livealive #octopathtraveler #panzerdragoon #pokemonarceus
First time doing something like this. Gives me an opportunity to pause and think about this for a while so...
It was a bit hard getting this list done, cause I forgot some of this titles where really important for me a log time ago. Maybe it's time to replay them 😊
#7gamestoknowme #donkeykong #killerinstinct #supermariorpg #metalgearsolid #metalgearsolid2 #finalfantasyxiii #kotor2
Okay so I will probably finish #FarCry6 soon and I also have an exam soon. I should time those to line up so that I can dive back into #FinalFantasyXIII right after both.
On another note, I tried my first 1000+ notes song on #BeatSaber today. 😂 Had a blast, did not score well though of course. This game is not getting old anytime soon. Will probably make a map myself. What song should I do?
#farcry6 #finalfantasyxiii #beatsaber
Today I realized I do not hold my badminton racket in a random pose when I am waiting for something and don't have to be prepared for the next serve, I hold it like Auron holds his sword in #FinalFantasyX or like Lightning holds her #Gunblade in #FinalFantasyXIII. So.. apparently I should get back to that game and to my gunblade project.
#finalfantasyx #gunblade #finalfantasyxiii
We have done it. The infamous but often overlooked Final Fantasy XIII Fabula Nova Crystallis Trilogy is over! It took over 3 months and I don't regret it a bit. Thank you everyone who stopped by to watch me play every game! Next up is Type-0 HD!
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
Eradicated most monsters from the world and all that's left is the last day. Side content or not, we are making it to the end of the game tonight!
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
Only 2 more days until the world ends and we only have a few sidequests left, including the secret last-day dungeon!
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
All the friends have been saved, but there are tons of NPC's that still need Lightning's help before the end.
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
We spent two days in the Dead Dunes and removed all the Skeletons from the world, and with all the fragments, Lightning can save Dajh!
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
We have to find three tablets, to look at murals so that we can open the tomb to find the special item. This Main Quest was so long.
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
No Sleep and running on a Starbucks macchiato, that yoga earlier didn't make it any better. Either way, my playthrough of Lightning Returns continues because it is FANG TIME!
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
We couldn't save Caius or Yuel, but Sazh still has a chance if we can save Dazh. We lost a day but we still have a chance.
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
We found Sazh but we need our Chocobo buddy to get there. Time to train him up and get his strength back!
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
Noel and Snow are saved, but where did Fang, Sazh, and Vanille get up to the last 500 years? Two more areas need to be explored in Nova Chrysalis.
💨 Streaming Lightning Returns on Twitch/Toxic_Ally
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
*Looks up #finalfantasyxiii
*Finds nothing in tags
Well, guess I start with saying that I loved the XIII trilogy. It's the last time that #finalfantasy felt like a warm hug to me.
The art, music, setting, & characters made me feel at home. Seeing FF going into action RPG makes me sad, but I now have the #megaten & #atelier series to fall back on.
I can't be the only one? :0130:
#finalfantasyxiii #finalfantasy #megaten #atelier
Sorry a little late! Got caught up setting up a new green screen. Lightning Returns feels so different to play. I need to figure out how I can beat Noel and save Snow. Come help me out!
💨 Live on
#streaming #FinalFantasy #LightningReturns #FinalFantasyXIII #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch
#streaming #finalfantasy #lightningreturns #finalfantasyxiii #smallstreamer #firstplaythrough #gamergirl #gaming #livenow #twitchstreamer #twitch