Emerio Banque · @EmerioBanque
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Commercial Bank Wins ‘Best Trade Finance Provider’ 2023 in Qatar

As per the latest news, Commercial Bank, the most innovative digital bank in Qatar has been honored with the “Best Trade Finance Provider in Qatar” by Global Finance for the fourth consecutive year.

Read more: emeriobanque.com/news/commerci

#tradefinance #internationaltrade #financialProducts #besttradefinanceproviderinqata #commercialbank

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, but hikes will not mean much if the is still pumping 'up the wahzoo'. Also they need to be seen relative to where they need to be.

We have and are seeing a dodgy and schemes being bandied around all over.

A fixed to the 10% above the payment or a UBI would likely help seperate wheat from chaff.

We'll need to keep an eye on a number of things in the melting pot.

#interestrate #moneyPump #financialProducts #maximumRentalIncome #socialSecuriy

Last updated 3 years ago

This week made an interesting point about 's system.

Australia has an extreme number of outrageous designed to prop up and at the expense of . Rather than taper markets w lower or raising he posits is used to remove people from the economy.

It may sound conspiratorial, but judging by proposals we see a growing weaponisation of and .

#MaxKeiser #australia #hotelQuarantine #financialProducts #rentseekers #bankers #savers #moneyPrinting #interestrates #building #covid #mentalhealth

Last updated 3 years ago


While the author, , may seem to offer commonsense suggestions, the underlying assumption is that is inevitable, you just need to . Its a re-hashed article from mid-2019 (almost 2 years old) and pumps that we think are of questionable or highly inflated value today. It frames investing as something to aspire towards and neglects to talk about or as . What's perhaps most insidious…(2/3)

#PatrickWright #growth #doYourOwnResearch #financialProducts #stockmarket #metals #bitcoin #StoresOfValue

Last updated 4 years ago