‘He took every penny’: the women left with a debt mountain by coercive partners | Domestic violence | The Guardian
#CoerciveControl #DomesticAbuse #LawandOrder #DomesticViolence
#Criminology #Crime #FinancialAbuse #EconomicAbuse
#EconomicAbuse #financialabuse #crime #criminology #domesticviolence #lawandorder #domesticabuse #coercivecontrol
Vulnerable UK women forced into ‘sex for rent’ by cost of living crisis | Sex work | The Guardian
#sexforrent #costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #SurvivalSex #BeyondTheStreets #LAWA #generationrent #WomensAid #financialabuse #homeoffice #TacklingDomesticAbusePlan
Screw it. I ordered a Steam Deck. Despite living in a country where they're not officially released. What could possibly go wrong?!
#SteamDeck #financialabuse #impulsebuy #noregerts
#SteamDeck #financialabuse #impulseBuy #noregerts
New YouTube video just dropped on How to Recover from Financial Abuse in Relationships, why there's no shame in it, and the advisors you need to heal and rebuild.
This one was by demand, and I hope it brings awareness and healing to all who need it.
#leadership #womensleadership #financialabuse #divorce #childsupport #alimony #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #domesticabuseawareness
#domesticabuseawareness #domesticabuse #domesticviolence #alimony #childsupport #divorce #financialabuse #womensleadership #leadership
Financial abuse is so common we accept it as normal to have to get approval from someone in our lives to purchase something. Please always have a separate bank account from your partner/SO. Keep it for yourself & ensure they have zero access.
#InfoSec #FinancialAbuse #safety #privacy # DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #TheMoreYouKnow
#infosec #financialabuse #safety #privacy #domesticviolence #themoreyouknow
RT @ndvh@twitter.com
Financial abuse is a universal experience for many survivors. Often, this leaves #survivors unprotected from forced #debt racked up by abusers. Thanks, @CBSDFW@twitter.com, for raising awareness of #DV issues such as #financialabuse & supporting survivors. Read more: https://cbsn.ws/3kvEWEA
#financialabuse #dv #debt #survivors
Some conservative women tend to see patriarchy, domestic violence and sexism as a problem that doesn't affect them. When they divorce an abusive husband or leave an unfulfilling marriage they pretend the poverty and ostracism they experience is deserved, temporary or a one off issue before remarrying. They don't get a prenup falsely believing that having personal power is betrayal. #conservative #domesticviolence #financialabuse #divorce #narcissism #political # oppression #marriage
#marriage #political #narcissism #divorce #financialabuse #domesticviolence #conservative
#RedFlag: She has an erratic history of employment, unemployment and under-employment. Naturally, none of it’s her fault. Coworkers were/are jealous and she was/is a “#victim" of #discrimination, #sexism, #harassment, (choose your favorite -#ism), being too pretty/smart, etc.
Direct and indirect requests for money, a place to live, utility bills, gas money, car payments and other expenses begin. "But she never asks!" you say? It's because she doesn't need to. She makes some "who'll save me from myself" nosies and your wallet opens.
A few things:
1) Many people don’t view women exhibiting these issues as a problem. Society makes excuses for them and applaud men who financially #enable them. Whereas men who make similar poor choices are seen as undateable deadbeat losers. “Oh, look at that good man supporting his stay at home (with the kids enrolled in school full-time) mom.” vs. “Poor Debbie. Her husband is such a lazy POS. He can’t hold down a job and sits home all day playing games on his phone. Driving the kids to and from school? Spppppft! It’s the least he can do. I'd #divorce his broke ass.”
2) For you gents who see it as a point of pride that “your wife doesn’t have to work,” yeah. When she files for divorce and demands maximum spousal and child support, the family court judge will like order you to keep subsidizing her #entitlement and #TooSpecial to work attitude.
3) A good work ethic, good judgment and financial responsibility are desirable traits in all adults. An erratic work history is a possible indicator of:
- pathological entitlement
- a childlike demand to be "taken care of” emotional and psychological #immaturity
- inability/little interest in anything requiring effort and persistence (aside from getting others to support them, that is)
- inability/little interest in getting along with others
- possible indicator of a #PersonalityDisorder (e.g., #narcissist, #histrionic, #borderline, #paranoid, #dependent)
- lack of #empathy (i.e., putting 100% of the financial burden on one’s partner is selfish in the extreme)
4) If it isn’t already, this should be a deal-breaker for you for the above reasons and more.
5) I’m not a lawyer. Does anyone know if consistent employment can be included in a #prenuptial agreement?
Ignore at your own peril.
#redflag #victim #discrimination #sexism #harassment #ism #enable #divorce #entitlement #toospecial #immaturity #personalitydisorder #narcissist #histrionic #borderline #paranoid #dependent #empathy #prenuptial #abusehasnogender #npd #bpd #hpd #financialabuse
Stay safe but don’t stay silent: Here’s some clear signs of financial abuse that you shouldn’t ignore ➜ https://www.aviva.co.uk/retirement/retirement-newsletter/financial-abuse/?source=&entry=144977&cmp=eml-eng-nlr--NE06_112022_4600
#FinancialAbuse #StaySafe
RT @KrisGibson13@twitter.com
#50sWomen have suffered #financialabuse at the hands of successive Govts
We are told we need to pay #Tax & #NationalInsurance & earn #pensions in our own right, then when they took 6 yrs #pension away from #50swomen we suddenly became the responsibility of our husbands/partners
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KrisGibson13/status/1600796809731145728
#50swomen #financialabuse #tax #nationalinsurance #pensions #pension
Age Concern especially are fantastic to talk to if you aren't sure. Their people have pretty much seen it all and can usually provide someone to pop by and support them about setting boundaries and set them up with services in areas they might be struggling.
But yeah, I'm appalled at seeing another instance of this and it's something few people seen to think much about.
#elderabuse #neglect #financialabuse