How #bonds ate the entire #financialsystem
A very short, wild history of market that will shape next #financialcrisis
Bonds have played an integral role in development of human society, from subsistence farming to modern era, funding everything from wars and railways to Tesla and Netflix. "The #bondmarket is the most important market in the world," says Ray Dalio, the founder of the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater. "It is the backbone of all other markets."
#bonds #financialsystem #financialcrisis #bondmarket
Kenyan Residents Asked to Participate in a ‘Public Survey on Virtual Assets’ - Kenya residents who wish to shape their country’s policy towards the crypto ecosys... - #virtualassetsserviceproviders(vasps) #financialreportingcentre(frc) #virtualassetsecosystem #financialinnovations #consumerprotection #financialsystem #moneylaundering #africa
#africa #moneylaundering #financialsystem #consumerprotection #financialinnovations #virtualassetsecosystem #financialreportingcentre #virtualassetsserviceproviders
How decades of policy failures led to ever-powerful #UnitedHealth Group “...Today, United is 5th largest public company in US bigger than JPMorgan Chase. Its #insurance products serve 50M members, its $186B health services division, #Optum, has 103M patients. Earnings came to $28.4B last year, putting it in the top 30 of companies worldwide. It is now largest employer of physicians in the country, with 70,000 doctors across 2,200 locations. #healthcare #financialsystem
#unitedhealth #insurance #optum #healthcare #financialsystem
Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki: ‘We Need a New Financial Architecture Not Controlled by the Dollar or the Euro’ - Isaias Afwerki, president of Eritrea, reinforced the need for building a new econo... - #financialsystem #isaiasafwerki #vladimirputin #containment #sanctions #dollar #russia #china #swift #news #euro
#euro #news #swift #china #russia #Dollar #sanctions #containment #vladimirputin #isaiasafwerki #financialsystem
Bolivia’s President Calls on South American Countries to Ditch US Dollar, Bolster Alliances With China and BRICS - Bolivia’s President Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) has urged members and ... - #luisalbertoarcecatacora #luizinacioluladasilva #bolivia’spresident #brazil’spresident #de-dollarization #dedollarization #financialsystem #bolivia
#financialsystem #dedollarization #de #brazil #bolivia #LuizInacioLuladaSilva #luisalbertoarcecatacora
40% of South Africans Familiar With the ‘Concept of Web3’ — Study - Some 40% of South African survey participants are familiar with the concept of Web... - #crypto-volatility #financialsystem #cryptoadoption #cryptoscams #metaverse #africa #nfts #web3
#web3 #nfts #africa #metaverse #cryptoscams #cryptoadoption #financialsystem #crypto
I am publishing a new column via my e-journal, @LLRX - on #AI and the #FinancialSystem, with a global perspective. The first column is here - - and my plan is to publish monthly. I welcome links and additional topical resources - thank you very much. #economy #finance #MoneyLaundering #cybersecurity #cybercrime #banking #banks #regulations #ethics #ArtificialIntelligence #fintech #chatbots
#ai #financialsystem #economy #finance #moneylaundering #cybersecurity #cybercrime #banking #banks #regulations #ethics #artificialintelligence #fintech #ChatBots
France’s Macron Hopes to Attend BRICS Summit in South Africa, Report - French President Emmanuel Macron wants to join the leaders of the BRICS nations wh... - #financialsystem #emmanuelmacron #southafrican #globalsouth #southafrica #invitation #president #ramaphosa #russian #france #french #macron #reform #report #russia #summit #brics #putin #news
#news #putin #brics #summit #russia #report #reform #macron #french #france #russian #ramaphosa #president #invitation #southafrica #globalsouth #southafrican #emmanuelmacron #financialsystem
Wealthy Investors and Family Offices Embrace BTC Following Bank Failures, Says Swan Bitcoin Executive - According to Steven Lubka, the head of private clients and family offices, as well... - #high-net-worthindividuals #alternativeassets #investorinterest #wealthyinvestors #diversification #financialsystem #assetownership #michellemakori #familyoffices #stability
#stability #familyoffices #michellemakori #assetownership #financialsystem #diversification #wealthyinvestors #investorinterest #alternativeassets #high
Russia Involved in De-Dollarization Talks With the Islamic World to Create Independent Financial System - Russia and the Islamic world are currently discussing how to deepen the de-dollari... - #rasht-astararailway #de-dollarization #deglobalization #financialsystem #alexeyoverchuk #islamicnations #economics #russia #iran #g7
#g7 #iran #russia #economics #islamicnations #alexeyoverchuk #financialsystem #deglobalization #de #rasht
#ClarenceThomas: "In very simple terms, if you are a public servant you can't take #FreeStuff, it is as simple as that. If you want free stuff don't be a public servant. But guess what? When you are not a #PublicServant, people don't want give you free stuff" - @BarbMcQuade w/ @NicolleDWallace #SCOTUs #corruption #FinancialDisclosure #EthicsRules #Judiciary #LegalResearch #FinancialSystem
#clarencethomas #freestuff #publicservant #SCOTUS #Corruption #financialdisclosure #ethicsrules #judiciary #legalresearch #financialsystem
2008 here we come? #banking #FinancialSystem #SystemicFailure
#systemicfailure #financialsystem #banking
#GAO Report, BANK REGULATION #PreliminaryReview of #AgencyActions Related to March 2023 #BankFailures #SVB #FinancialStability #FinancialSystem #RegulatoryStandards #regulatoryfailures #banking #FederalReserve
#gao #preliminaryreview #agencyactions #bankfailures #svb #financialstability #financialsystem #regulatorystandards #regulatoryfailures #banking #FederalReserve
#Review of the #FederalReserve’s
#Supervision and #Regulation
of #SiliconValleyBank April 2023. This report examines the factors that contributed to the failure of #SVB. The report
focuses on the role of the Federal Reserve, which was the #primary federal supervisor for the bank
and the #bankholdingcompany. #FinancialSystem #FinancialStability #banking #banksupervision #regulatoryfailures
#review #FederalReserve #supervision #regulation #siliconvalleybank #svb #primary #bankholdingcompany #financialsystem #financialstability #banking #banksupervision #regulatoryfailures
Coinbase Files Legal Action Against SEC Over Lack of Regulatory Clarity - On April 24, 2023, Coinbase announced that it had filed an action in federal court... - #cryptocurrencyexchange #enforcementactions #regulatoryguidance #cryptoregulations #publicstatements #financialsystem #multi-yearplea #digitalassets #coinbasesec #legalaction #rulemaking #coinbase #news #sec
#sec #news #coinbase #rulemaking #legalaction #coinbasesec #digitalassets #multi #financialsystem #publicstatements #cryptoregulations #regulatoryguidance #enforcementactions #cryptocurrencyexchange
Economist Paul Krugman Criticizes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Opposition to Central Bank Digital Currency - Economist Paul Krugman questioned why Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis opp... - #conspiracytheories #krugmananddesantis #cryptocurrencies #illegalpurchases #digitalcurrency #financialsystem #moneylaundering #nytopinionpiece #federalreserve #adoption
#adoption #federalreserve #nytopinionpiece #moneylaundering #financialsystem #digitalcurrency #illegalpurchases #cryptocurrencies #krugmananddesantis #conspiracytheories
Russian Central Bank Attributes Recent Ruble Depreciation to Lower Forex Sales by Exporters - The Russian central bank has attributed the ruble’s latest plunge against the U.S.... - #societyforworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication(swift) #foreignexchangemarket #financialsystem #bricscountries #depreciation #chineseyuan #rublecrash #rublepairs #economics
#economics #rublepairs #rublecrash #chineseyuan #depreciation #bricscountries #financialsystem #foreignexchangemarket #societyforworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication
Hidden Treasure: Every Modern Copy of macOS Contains a Copy of Bitcoin’s White Paper - On April 5, 2023, the independent blogger Andy Baio published a post on his Waxy B... - #bitcoin.comnews #cryptocommunity #digitalcurrency #financialsystem #operatingsystem #satoshinakamoto #virtualcurrency #cryptocurrency #decentralized #libraryfolder #digitalasset #transparency #verification
#verification #transparency #digitalasset #libraryfolder #decentralized #cryptocurrency #virtualcurrency #satoshinakamoto #operatingsystem #financialsystem #digitalcurrency #cryptocommunity #bitcoin
March Bitcoin Mining Stats Show Climbing Revenue and Hashrate Highs - According to statistics, 4,498 blocks have been mined in the last 30 days, creatin... - #cryptocurrencyindustry #cryptocurrencytrading #blockchaintechnology #cryptocurrencymarket #cryptominingrevenue #cryptocurrencynews #difficultychange #cryptoinvestors #digitalcurrency #financialsystem #networkhashrate #transactionfees #btc
#btc #transactionfees #networkhashrate #financialsystem #digitalcurrency #cryptoinvestors #difficultychange #cryptocurrencynews #cryptominingrevenue #cryptocurrencymarket #blockchaintechnology #cryptocurrencytrading #cryptocurrencyindustry
IMF - #ShadowBanks: Out of the Eyes of #Regulators. #ShadowBanking symbolizes one of the many #failings of the #FinancialSystem leading up to the #globalfinancialcrisis. Estimating the #size of the #ShadowBankingSystem is particularly difficult because many of its entities do not report to #government #regulators. #GlobalFinancialRisk #risk #regulators
#shadowbanks #regulators #shadowbanking #failings #financialsystem #globalfinancialcrisis #size #shadowbankingsystem #government #globalfinancialrisk #risk