QE (the expansion of mentally supply) essentially took place via the creation of credit by Govts. In the sense that we vote for Govts it was done in our name as a way of dealing with the crisis of liquid brought on by the #finanicalcrisis, but the method chosen actually inflated asset prices & largely benefited owners of capital - not necessarily a mistake, of course
#ElizabethWarren Is Right: #JeromePowell Must Go
The senator is demanding that the #Fed chair step down after the #SiliconValleyBank #debacle. She’s right to do so. https://proxy.metager.de/www.thenation.com/article/politics/elizabeth-warren-jerome-powell-fed #FinanicalCrisis #SystemicRisk #FDIC #FinancialStability #FederalReserve https://proxy.metager.de/www.thenation.com/article/politics/elizabeth-warren-jerome-powell-fed?
#elizabethwarren #jeromepowell #fed #siliconvalleybank #debacle #finanicalcrisis #systemicrisk #fdic #financialstability #FederalReserve