#Rajah - pretty much drops you in media res into the story, which is one of a dude who suddenly found himself also in the middle of a story (of a power struggle) 😃. You don't need to know that much about the history of #Sarawak to get the movie, as I've just been yanksplained on how American moviegoers' ignorance means additional context is unneeded so any slapdash comparison will do*. So in that spirit I offer the barely accurate analogy of it being like The Last Samurai. (Which can't be any worse than comparing RRR to EEAAO**) Except it does flip a couple of tropes of the genre, but that's probably domestic politics that allowed such portrayals of Malay royals as just fuckin' assholes 😌.
(Spoilery review in the next post)
(Yeah I had to repost to redo the post visibility)
#Malaysia #FilemMalaysia #FinasPunKasiFundingSoKiraKut #MYToots #TootSEA #movies
*as I understood the conversation
**same conversation
#rajah #sarawak #malaysia #filemmalaysia #finaspunkasifundingsokirakut #MYToots #tootsea #movies
#Rajah - pretty much drops you in media res into the story, which is one of a dude who suddenly found himself also in the middle of a story (of a power struggle) 😃. I want to say you don't need to know that much about the history of #Sarawak to get the movie, as I've just been yanksplained on how American moviegoers can be just very ignorant and additional context is unwanted*. So in that spirit I offer the barely accurate analogy of it being like The Last Samurai. (Which can't be any worse than comparing RRR to EEAAO**) Except it does flip a couple of tropes of the genre, but that's probably domestic politics that allowed such portrayals of Malay royals as just fuckin' assholes 😌.
(Spoilery review in the next post)
#Malaysia #FilemMalaysia #FinasPunKasiFundingSoKiraKut #MYToots #TootSEA #movies
*as I understood the conversation
**same conversation
#rajah #sarawak #malaysia #filemmalaysia #finaspunkasifundingsokirakut #MYToots #tootsea #movies