Aatu Räty – Building Blue – Prospect Report #AatuRaty #Abbotsford #AbbotsfordCanucks #AHL #BuildingBlue #Canucks #ChrisHiggins #Draft #Findland #forward #game #goal #Goals #highlights #hockey #news #NHL #NHLEntryDraft #PacificDivision #players #profile #prospect #ProspectDevelopmentCamp #ProspectProfile #raty #report #shoot #shot #team #Vancouver #VancouverCanucks #WesternConference
#aaturaty #abbotsford #abbotsfordcanucks #ahl #buildingblue #canucks #chrishiggins #draft #findland #forward #game #goal #goals #highlights #hockey #news #nhl #nhlentrydraft #pacificdivision #players #profile #prospect #prospectdevelopmentcamp #prospectprofile #raty #report #shoot #shot #team #vancouver #vancouvercanucks #westernconference
2/2 As a reminder for peeps outside of #Findland:
Even thie article mentions only Mari #Rantanen as a believere of #TheGreatReplacement, she is not the only one.
After naming of #Rydman, there is now all together five ministers in our government, who has been babbeld about this #ConspiracyTheory; besides Rantanen and Rydman, also ministers #Meri, #Purra and #Tavio.
So, the whole government is one big #nazi joke
#hallitus #SuomiMainittu #FinPol #politics #äärioikeisto #FarRight #politiikka
#findland #rantanen #thegreatreplacement #rydman #conspiracytheory #meri #purra #tavio #nazi #hallitus #suomimainittu #finpol #politics #aarioikeisto #farright #politiikka
I came across an article by Frank Martela on which points out that Finland has been named the happiest country in the world by the World Happiness Report for the fifth year in a row. This begs the question, “What do the people in Finland do that makes them so happy?”
#happiness #findland #happy #frankmartela #joy