I can’t speak to the intentions or inabilities of airlines and airports, but I can tell you that #airtags and #findMy by Apple are “indispensable” tools for any traveler. I’ve seen it in action for myself and a friend this month.
👉see link by
So I finally was able to fix the issue where my #AppleID was stuck on an old computer's "Find My" (after changing my Apple ID e-mail address). Now my summer worker colleague can have a better computer too, feels great!
Steps have been written on my blog https://zkc.se/blog/unsticking-find-my-from-a-mac/
#appleid #macintosh #apple #findmy
Big fan of Apple Find Me compatible tags. Chipolo ONE Spot (https://amzn.to/3DytspU) is my favorite. Also Atuvos makes some as well (https://amzn.to/3q9TSLO). I use those with instruments and stuff.
Anyone have any other compatible devices that work on the Find my network? I am slowly moving away from Title as the trackers I have die off.
#apple #findmy #airtags #airtagcompatible
FindMySync – macOS-App zum Weiterleiten von Infos aus dem FindMy-Netzwerk (z.B. zu AirTags) zu anderen Endpunkten → https://www.martinpham.com/findmysync/
In Ermangelung eines Always-on-Macs noch nicht getestet, aber sowas hier suche ich bereits seit längerem: Eine App, die Apples proprietäres #FindMy-Netzwerk lokal ausliest und die Infos von AirTags & Co. an andere HTTP-Endpunkte wir z.B. #HomeAssistant weiterleitet.
The Find My backpack is now available! While this is interesting, pretty cool, and sets the stage for more Find My integrated products, I have one question….
Why not just put an AirTag in your current backpack?
#Apple #Tech #FindMy #AirTag #AllThingsTech https://mastodon.social/@macrumors/110595334902327144
#apple #tech #findmy #airtag #allthingstech
Gerüchteküche brodelt: Neuerungen und Veröffentlichungstermine von iOS 17
Es ist kaum zu glauben, aber iOS 17 steht vor der Tür, und zwar in weniger als einem Monat. Experten sind sich einig, dass dieses Update die grö
#iPhone #News #WWDC2023 #IOS17 #WalletApp #HealthApp #JournalingApp #DrittAppStores #Kontrollzentrum #UntersttzteGerte #FindMy #Sideloading #NeueFunktionen
#iphone #News #wwdc2023 #ios17 #walletapp #healthapp #journalingapp #drittappstores #kontrollzentrum #untersttztegerte #findmy #sideloading #neuefunktionen
Such a clickbait headline. The problem is that Apple Maps needs to be updated for their neighborhood. 🤦♂️ #apple #findmy #gizmodo #clickbait
Find My iPhone Error Sends Hordes of Strangers to a Single Texas House
#apple #findmy #gizmodo #clickbait
iPhone 15 Pro: Willkommen in der Zukunft der Tasten
Spätestens mit der Einführung des iPhone 15 Pro wird Apple die Welt der Tasten revolutionieren. Wie aus zahlreichen Gerüchten hervorgeht, plant das Unternehmen, kapaz
#iPhone #News #3-nm-Chip #3D-Touch #A17-Prozessor #Aktionstaste #ApplePay #applewatchultra #FindMy-App #HapticEngine #iPhone15Pro #kapazitiveTasten #Mikroprozessor #SuperLowEnergyMode
#iphone #News #3d #a17 #aktionstaste #applepay #applewatchultra #findmy #hapticengine #iphone15pro #kapazitivetasten #mikroprozessor #superlowenergymode
@dsilverman i would love #FindMy to work in #CarPlay too. it will tell me i left one of my bags behind or something else airtagged.
but i haven't tried asking siri to "take me to <kiddo>" yet. next time i am in the car i'll see what happens!
A little tech success story: I couldn’t find where I’d dropped my Bluetooth headphones. Yet my phone kept connecting to them, so they must be… somewhere?
So I played a song at full volume and searched the place. Couldn’t hear them. Guess their noise isolation works well.
I somehow had it in my head that the #FindMy app can only _show_ them but not help you locate them, but I decided to gave it another shot.
These are a great value. They work with Apple's Follow Me network. And they are cheap!
I don't know if the #FindMy allows you to pick different sounds, but my wife's makes this sound that is like an old-school (very old school, possibly descended from Morse code) breaking news alert.
When it goes off, the 3 of us immediately begin a competition to see who will say "Dateline" followed by an obscure American city the fastest in a newsreel voice.
Dee deedee dee deedee!
(from the next room) "Dateline Providence!"
Thermobecher mit Apples "Wo ist?"
Wer ständig seinen Lieblingsbecher für Tee oder Kaffee verliert, darf auf Abhilfe hoffen: Der selbstwärmende Travel Mug von Ember bekommt bald Apples Tracking.
#Apple #Becher #Ember #FindMy #Kaffee #SmartHome #Thermobecher #TravelMug2+ #Woist? #News
#apple #becher #ember #findmy #kaffee #smarthome #thermobecher #travelmug2 #Woist #news