Eine graue Decke hängt über der Stadt - der Aachener Talkessel halt, das bleibt uns wohl heute... Perfekter Tag, um langweilige Must-do's im Büro anzugehen. #findthegood
I don’t know who needs to hear this…
((( I love that starting line BTW )))
Cheering / promoting other people’s success. Cheering for other people to do great.
This weekend is family weekend for me. Vacation days. Checking out of office.
However I’m here in Lake Placid NY, at the historic Olympic Miracle Ice Rink for a skating event for my daughter.
And I’m doing what I always do.
Controlling my ADHD;
Watching and listening to everything.
Except this time I’m playing the game “which one of these things are not like the others.
As usual. We’re cheering for them all. The kids in another group of skaters. The kids even in the same group of competition of our daughter.
Because they’re kids. Their all junior athletes. They’re people. The pressure is tough. All positive voices raise all people who’ve need them.
Of course I’m making this connect to professional development.
Cheering / promoting other people’s success. Cheering for other people to do great.
If you’d made this far - this is the best part.
Make sure you see - make sure you watch. Check out who’s cheering for who - check out who’s cheering for success of everyone.
Not just their toxic clique. Not just their own group.
Anyone who thinks cheering for someone is gonna make them look bad or thought differently.
Is everyone you need to watch.
#PeopleBuilding #Leadership #community #CreateLeaders #FindTheGood #BuildTheWorld #Success #Cheer
#peoplebuilding #leadership #community #createleaders #findthegood #buildtheworld #success #cheer
The change was part of an ongoing effort of looking at the resort “with a magnifying glass” for opportunities for inclusion, said Kim Irvine, executive creative director of Walt Disney Imagineering for Disneyland Resort.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/disneyland-adds-dolls-in-wheelchairs-to-its-a-small-world-ride/ar-AA141c6w #Look4Lykke #FindTheGood
Bravo Joy Ryan!
https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/08/30/national-parks-grandmother-brad-ryan/ #Look4Lykke #FindTheGood