I know we can't all stay here forever so...
I'm gonna write my words on the face of today.... AND THEN THEY'LL PAINT IT !
Will the sun come out today?
Keep on dreaming...cause when we stop dreaming it's time to die.
Life is hard. You have to change.
#TheGreatAwakening #BeYou #FindYouOwnWay #SelfReliance #LoveThySelf #DontFollow #RiseAbove #resilience #LoveOneAnother
#Seattle #Rock #Gunge #BlindMelon #ShannonHoon
Change Blind Melon https://open.spotify.com/track/44RW9FEY76mLQCRQUjT0Zt
#thegreatawakening #beyou #findyouownway #selfreliance #lovethyself #dontfollow #riseabove #resilience #loveoneanother #seattle #rock #gunge #blindmelon #shannonhoon