Asher's ready to join me for 2:30pm afternoon backyard meeting with a client's family representative. He's met them before & they asked him to join meeting because he helps them lower their anxiety levels ❤
Wearing his #denim vest.
#CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #CatLovers #furbuddy #AssistantCat #EmotionalSupportCat #FineFeline #CuteCat #FelineFashion #GrayTuxedoCat #MyCat #CatsInClothes #BestFriend
#denim #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #catlovers #furbuddy #assistantcat #emotionalsupportcat #finefeline #cutecat #felinefashion #graytuxedocat #mycat #catsinclothes #bestfriend
Asher, storm watching inside.
#CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #FelineFriday #Cat #GrayTuxedoCat #FineFeline #Kitty
#catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #FelineFriday #cat #graytuxedocat #finefeline #kitty
Asher's #kitty #cat #profile - as he basks in an early evening sunbeam.
#GrayTuxedoCat #CatsOfSDF #CatsOfMastodon #CatLovers #furbuddy #furfriend #CaturdayIsEveryday #MyCat #FineFeline #CatPortrait #PetPortrait #samsung8 #CellphonePhotos #HandsomeCat
#FelineFriday #kitty #cat #profile #graytuxedocat #catsofsdf #catsofmastodon #catlovers #furbuddy #furfriend #caturdayiseveryday #mycat #finefeline #catportrait #petportrait #samsung8 #cellphonephotos #handsomecat
Asher. Looking super #cute & #handsome in his blue tropical short sleeved button up shirt 😻 My little domesticated amateur model #cat is very #photogenic 🥰
#LookAtMyCat #FelineFriday #furbuddy #CatLovers #CaturdayIsEveryday #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #GrayTuxedoCat #dapper #FineFeline
#cute #handsome #cat #photogenic #lookatmycat #FelineFriday #furbuddy #catlovers #caturdayiseveryday #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #graytuxedocat #dapper #finefeline
Our respite worker is running 30 minutes behind. Here's some photos of Asher in his semi #CasualFriday outfit. Ready to go from day to night 😻
#CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #ChillKitty #CatsWithHats #CatsInClothes #FelineFriday #CatLovers #GrayTuxedoCat #MyCat #CaturdayIsEveryday #KittyCat #Meowstodon #Dapper #FineFeline #CuteCat #ILoveMyCat
#casualfriday #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #chillkitty #catswithhats #catsinclothes #FelineFriday #catlovers #graytuxedocat #mycat #caturdayiseveryday #kittycat #meowstodon #dapper #finefeline #cutecat #ilovemycat
Asher in his mini #sombrero #hat 😻
#CatsWithHats #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #CaturdayEveryday #SombreroSunday #CatLovers #MyCat #GrayTuxedoCat #FineFeline
#sombrero #hat #catswithhats #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #caturdayeveryday #sombrerosunday #catlovers #mycat #graytuxedocat #finefeline
#EarlyMorning #cuddles & #snuggles with my #BestFriend / #Cat #homie Asher 🥰😻 I'm staying in bed for another 20 minutes. It's so #warmAndCozy & #kitty has fallen back asleep on my arm.
#BedBuddies #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #GrayTuxedoCat #SnuggleBuddy #BlanketWarmer #CaturdayEveryday #CatLovers #InBed #WokeUpLikeThis #furfriend #family #PureLove #happiness #contentment #loyalty #FurFamily #MyCat #ILoveCats #FineFeline #LoveAndTrust #RescueCat #AdoptDontShop #NoMakeUp #Comfy #HomieCat
#earlymorning #cuddles #snuggles #bestfriend #cat #homie #warmandcozy #kitty #bedbuddies #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #graytuxedocat #snugglebuddy #blanketwarmer #caturdayeveryday #catlovers #inbed #wokeuplikethis #furfriend #family #purelove #happiness #contentment #loyalty #furfamily #mycat #ilovecats #finefeline #loveandtrust #rescuecat #adoptdontshop #nomakeup #comfy #homiecat
Found my #cat #sitting in #bathroom #sink - #contemplating his life as an unpaid domestic Cirque de Soleil performance artist kitty & whether he should run away & live with a proper feline talent manager.
#CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #CaturdayIsEveryday #CatLovers #MyCat #GrayTuxedoCat #furbuddy #FineFeline #WhiskersWednesday #AllCatsAllTheTime #ObsessedWithCats
#cat #sitting #bathroom #sink #contemplating #catsofmastodon #mastocats #caturdayiseveryday #catlovers #mycat #graytuxedocat #furbuddy #finefeline #whiskerswednesday #allcatsallthetime #obsessedwithcats
Asher, my hairy pooper, has pooped himself right out & snoring on the bed. He did his daily 4AM zoomies, crashed himself into a wall, failed(once again) to conquer climbing up the drapes & stole another 2 of my hair ties before he zonked out.
#MyCat #GrayTuxedoCat #MastoCats #CaturdayIsEveryday #CatsOfMastodon #CatLovers #ObsessedWithCats #AllCatsAllTheTime #FineFeline #SleepingCat
#mycat #graytuxedocat #mastocats #caturdayiseveryday #catsofmastodon #catlovers #obsessedwithcats #allcatsallthetime #finefeline #sleepingcat
Asher, my #GrayTuxedoCat in his black #tuxedo 😻 He doesn't mind this outfit & struts around & sleeps in it. Very dapper in his formal attire 😸
#CatsInClothes #CatsOfMastodon #MyCat #MastoCats #CaturdayIsEveryday #FineFeline #WhiskersWednesday
#graytuxedocat #tuxedo #catsinclothes #catsofmastodon #mycat #mastocats #caturdayiseveryday #finefeline #whiskerswednesday