The Tyee: Wildfire Smoke Is Making Us Sick #bcnews #TheTyee - via #CanadianAssociationofPhysiciansfortheEnvironment #PeaceRiverRegionalDistrict #wildfiresmokehealtheffects #AirQualityAdvisoryProgram #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #fineparticulatematter #BCWildfireService #Dr.MelissaLemCAPE #BCLungFoundation #DIYairpurifier #GeoffDoerksen #wildfiresmoke #NoahQuastel
#BCNews #TheTyee #CanadianAssociationofPhysiciansfortheEnvironment #PeaceRiverRegionalDistrict #wildfiresmokehealtheffects #airqualityadvisoryprogram #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #fineparticulatematter #bcwildfireservice #Dr #bclungfoundation #diyairpurifier #geoffdoerksen #wildfiresmoke #noahquastel
“In 2021, @WHO set the safe limit for the annual average concentration of this #FineParticulateMatter at 5 micrograms of #pollutant per cubic metre, meaning that any region where the annual average concentration is over this figure is considered to have unsafe air quality. It’s a bar that almost all regions on Earth fail to clear.”
#fineparticulatematter #pollutant