This type behavior is exactly WOT #Meta's #Facebook #Brigades of #CI's do to people daily #example wise by denying people work and #gaslighting people online as a #harassment technique. #GangStalking #Psychopaths
There is an #infosec angle here in that the father used the kid's email behind the kids back to cancel job applications. For. A. Year!
There is a #GammaGroup #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky tye in also in this is how this #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware™ is used to #DenyWork to you and #MakePeopleHomeless using #SSM™ in the #BayArea from #Google's #C2 #FinFisherProxies.
They. are. Absolute. FSCK'N ng. #Psychos
#meta #facebook #brigades #ci #example #gaslighting #harassment #gangstalking #psychopaths #infosec #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #denywork #makepeoplehomeless #bayarea #google #c2 #finfisherproxies #psychos