Mike Babyak · @mikebabyak
482 followers · 1498 posts · Server musicians.today

Another great who’s not we’ll known in the US. The king of . The instruments are double coursed like a western 12-string and they play with that are worn on the back of the fingers and tied on with string or tape.


#portuguese #guitar #carlosparedes #fingerpicks #mastomusic #worldmusic #shredding

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris · @cris
48 followers · 128 posts · Server toot.wales

Propik fingertone finger picks. “Best of both worlds” fingerpick tone but feel and control of fleshy fingertips. Wasn’t too keen on the plectrum style thumb pick so swapped over to a Dunlop 94530 thumb pick.
I usually play without them but they’re great for a sharper tone and more volume.

#guitar #fingerpicks #fingerpicking #fingerstyleguitar #fingerstyle #propik

Last updated 2 years ago