With last Vivaldi update for Windows privacy was much enhanced. It passes now FAU's fingerprint test. The Android variant passes it already for a longer time.
I prefer Vivaldi over Firefox. I still remember how difficult it was a few years ago to fully get Google out of ESR. Binary files had to be modified, config changes were not sufficient...
#vivaldi #fau #fingerprint #privacy
#Twitter will künftig biometrische Daten sammeln - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/twitter-will-kuenftig-biometrische-daten-sammeln-20230901 #X #TwitterX #biometrics #Biometrie #Gesichtserkennung #FacialRecognition #FingerPrint #Fingerabdruck
#twitter #x #TwitteRx #biometrics #biometrie #gesichtserkennung #facialrecognition #fingerprint #fingerabdruck
#gnome #droidian #mobilelinux #linux #fingerprint #biomentrics
I wonder when companies will start scraping the #Fediverse for advertisement purposes.
Correct me if I'm wrong but to me it seems like there are plenty of ways to #fingerprint people in the Fediverse.
#poetry #writing #writingcommunity #writer #poetry #poetry #poet #poets
#poem #poetrylovers #poetry #writingcommunity #writing #writer #poets #poet
#fingerprint #poem #poetry #writing #writingcommunity #writer #poet #poets #poetrylovers
#Fingerprint support for Exynos devices is added to #Droidian. The device in the video is Samsung S9.
#fingerprint #droidian #mobilelinux #phosh #linux
Each whale shark’s spot pattern is unique as a fingerprint.
#science #sciencefacts #whaleshark #spots #fingerprint
Well sure, if you're not using #MFA, but for your sake, I really hope that's not the case.
I'll tell you right now that I use @bitwarden to manage my passwords, but even if you somehow guessed the email address and password I use to unlock my #Bitwarden vault, you still wouldn't be able to access my stuff, because you'd also need to steal my physical #Yubikey or my literal #fingerprint. If an attacker can gain physical access to my home and/or #biometrics, I have much bigger problems to worry about than my online accounts.
#mfa #BitWarden #Yubikey #fingerprint #biometrics
What we need is a stable, minimalist Debian VM with Firefox that EVERYONE uses. No protection, just reset the VM every time you close it. It's protected by virtue of being SO vanilla
Why isn't this a thing already??
This is it. Seriously. The #web is broken.
If enabling #fingerprint protection blocks me from entering your site, then:
"Shame on you! Who the birdsite do you think you are?"
#Segfault.fm: 0x23 Monthly
Die Episode zum letzten Quartal !
Diesmal mit ein paar Updates zu vorherigen Themen, .zip Domains, #ChatGPT, leakenden Power LEDs und Fingerabdruckscannern
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
#Mullvad #VPN was subject to a search warrant. Customer data not compromised - Blog - Mullvad VPN
Deploying key transparency at #WhatsApp - Engineering at Meta
Web fingerprinting is worse than I thought - Bitestring’s Blog
The Dangers of Googles #zip TLD
Hackers can steal cryptographic keys by video-recording power LEDs
New Type of Attack: BrutePrint Can Breach Your Smartphone’s #Fingerprint #Security
Belgium legalises ethical hacking: a threat or an opportunity for cybersecurity? - CITIP blog
Potentially millions of Android TVs and phones come with malware preinstalled - Ars Technica
Webseite der Episode: https://segfault.fm/episode/0x23-monthly/
Mediendatei: https://segfault.fm/assets/podcasts/0x23-monthly.mp3
#meta #privatsphare #datenschutz #sicherheit #threema #security #fingerprint #Zip #whatsapp #vpn #mullvad #chatgpt #segfault
#Segfault.fm: 0x23 Monthly
Die Episode zum letzten Quartal !
Diesmal mit ein paar Updates zu vorherigen Themen, .zip Domains, #ChatGPT, leakenden Power LEDs und Fingerabdruckscannern. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
#Mullvad #VPN was subject to a search warrant. Customer data not compromised - Blog - Mullvad VPN
Deploying key transparency at #WhatsApp - Engineering at Meta
Web fingerprinting is worse than I thought - Bitestring’s Blog
The Dangers of Googles zip TLD
Hackers can steal cryptographic keys by video-recording power LEDs
New Type of Attack: BrutePrint Can Breach Your Smartphone’s #Fingerprint #Security
Belgium legalises ethical hacking: a threat or an opportunity for cybersecurity? - CITIP blog
Dangers of Google’s zip TLD
Potentially millions of Android TVs and phones come with malware preinstalled - Ars Technica
Webseite der Episode: https://segfault.fm/episode/0x23-monthly/
Mediendatei: https://segfault.fm/assets/podcasts/0x23-monthly.mp3
#meta #privatsphare #datenschutz #sicherheit #security #fingerprint #whatsapp #vpn #mullvad #chatgpt #segfault
#Segfault.fm: 0x23 Monthly
Die Episode zum letzten Quartal !
Diesmal mit ein paar Updates zu vorherigen Themen, .zip Domains, #ChatGPT, leakenden Power LEDs und Fingerabdruckscannern. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
Web fingerprinting is worse than I thought - Bitestring’s Blog
The Dangers of Googles zip TLD
Even Google warns its own
Hackers can steal cryptographic keys by video-recording power LEDs
New Type of Attack: BrutePrint Can Breach Your Smartphone’s #Fingerprint Security
Belgium legalises ethical hacking: a threat or an opportunity for cybersecurity? - CITIP blog
Dangers of Google’s zip TLD
Potentially millions of Android TVs and phones come with malware preinstalled - Ars Technica
SupplyChainAttacks/MSI/MsiImpactedDevices.md at main · binarly-io/SupplyChainAttacks · GitHub
Intel investigating leak of Intel Boot Guard private keys after MSI breach
Webseite der Episode: https://segfault.fm/episode/0x23-monthly/
Mediendatei: https://segfault.fm/assets/podcasts/0x23-monthly.mp3
#fingerprint #chatgpt #segfault
#fingerprint #wall #photo #darkart #dark #photography #photos #photographie #photographie #Fotomontag #foto #fotos #fotographie #fotograf #hands #pics #pic #picture #pictures #wtf
#fingerprint #wall #photo #darkart #dark #photography #Photos #photographie #Fotomontag #foto #fotos #fotographie #fotograf #hands #pics #pic #picture #pictures #wtf
Fingerprinting-Testseiten suggerieren oftmals, dass man eindeutig erkennbar ist. Das ist allerdings nicht entscheidend, sondern ob man über Surf-Sessions hinweg erkennbar/trackbar ist. Das wäre bzw. ist dann problematisch.
- Firefox + CanvasBlocker oder JShelter Add-on
- Mullvad- oder Tor-Browser
- Brave Browser
#brave #mullvad #tor #firefox #browser #fingerprint
Das Anti-Fingerprinting beim Surfen funktioniert in der Regel durch kleine Änderungen von Parametern (Auflösung, Sprache, Schriftart), so dass entweder viele verschiedene Fingerabdrücke für denselben Browser erzeugt werden oder derselbe Fingerabdruck für viele verschiedene Browser erzeugt wird. Brave erzeugt bspw. viele verschiedene Fingerabdrücke. Der Tor-Browser hingegen bemüht sich um Einheitlichkeit. Beide Varianten können Fingerprinting verringern/reduzieren.
Fingerabdruck-Sensoren in Android-Handys mit weniger Aufwand ausgetrickst https://www.pocketpc.ch/magazin/news/android-handys-fingerabdruck-bruteprint-90060/ #fingerabdruck #fingerprint #MobilePhone #technologie #bruteprint #Sicherheit #Smartphone #Technology #security #Android #android #technik #Mobile #Handy #phone #News #tech
#fingerabdruck #fingerprint #mobilephone #technologie #bruteprint #sicherheit #smartphone #technology #security #android #technik #mobile #handy #phone #news #tech
Fingerabdruck-Sensoren in Android-Handys mit weniger Aufwand ausgetrickst https://www.pocketpc.ch/magazin/news/android-handys-fingerabdruck-bruteprint-90060/ #fingerabdruck #fingerprint #MobilePhone #technologie #bruteprint #Sicherheit #Smartphone #Technology #security #Android #android #technik #Mobile #Handy #phone #News #tech
#fingerabdruck #fingerprint #mobilephone #technologie #bruteprint #sicherheit #smartphone #technology #security #android #technik #mobile #handy #phone #news #tech
When people mention misuse of #fingerprint recognition they often site #RedDwarf
But this can't be the only example in #fiction of this.
Actually, I remember in Demolition Man Wesley Snipes cutting out someone's eye to get through doors. There's that one too. #movie
#movie #fiction #reddwarf #fingerprint