Vacation time means #FLOSS focus time for me. I have a slew of patches to upstream to various projects and some work on my own projects as well.
Currently I'm working on #Finit, the PID 1 replacement I adopted more than 10 years ago. A minor followup to the major v4.4 release I made a few months ago 😎
That's right, I got the help system in Infix running! The magic of #YANG, #sysrepo, #Finit, and last but not least, #Buildroot <3 all in one sweet cocktail
#yang #sysrepo #finit #buildroot
Great weekend! Spent a lot of time with the kids, visiting. My son’s staying the rest of the week even 😊
Even managed to sit down and solve an annoying regression in #Finit that’s been bugging me the past few weeks! With that momentum I finished off a few other minor things and started updating the ChangeLog for the release 😎🦄
Here's a walk-through on #Finit and #Buildroot I published recently 😃
#finit #buildroot #opensource #linux #embedded
Another blog post about #Finit, this time how a simple script can provide custom conditions to trigger other services.
#embedded #pid1 #Linux #opensource #finit
Actual real dogfooding in practise. I’m extremely proud of the work I’ve put into #Finit getting it able to start not just various #embedded systems, but also real #Linux desktops. Here #Debian with #awesomewm 💪😊
#awesomewm #debian #linux #embedded #finit
Holy ... I *finally* found the root cause of the weird bug I've been looking for the last week! Debugging#pid1 is really not for the faint of heart. 😅
#opensource #init #finit
#Kontingent(e) #Wahrheit ist #äquivalent mit #empirisch(er) #Verifizierbar(keit) eines #erlebt(en) #Bedeutungsgehalt(es).
#Logisch #formal(e) #Wahrheit dagegen bedeutet, dass die #Leerstelle(n) der #Struktur des #sozial(en) #Mitwirkungszusammenhang(es) der #Beobachtung ohne #Auswirkung auf seine #Bedeutung #kommuniziert werden können. Der #Begriff einer #formal(en) #Aussagenstruktur ist nicht #finit #bestimmbar.
#GotthardGünther - #Idee #Grundriß #aristotelisch #Logik S.8
#kontingent #wahrheit #äquivalent #empirisch #verifizierbar #erlebt #bedeutungsgehalt #logisch #formal #leerstelle #struktur #sozial #mitwirkungszusammenhang #beobachtung #auswirkung #bedeutung #kommuniziert #begriff #aussagenstruktur #finit #bestimmbar #organisationszwang #gotthardgünther #idee #grundriß #aristotelisch #logik