Food + Sex + Tasty Memes : Lunchtime!!! (99 Photos)
#Finite #Food and Drink #Lifestyle #Meme #delicious #dishes #eating #entrees #food #food-related #foodie #funny #memes #sexy #women
#finite #food #lifestyle #meme #delicious #dishes #eating #entrees #Foodie #funny #memes #sexy #women
Think Big…BIGGER…(36 Photos)
#Awesome #Finite #Humanity #Interesting #Shocking #big #giant #huge #massive #objects #things
#awesome #finite #humanity #interesting #shocking #big #Giant #huge #Massive #objects #things
We are happy to announce that our Research in Teams visitors Naoyuki Kanomata and Akifumi Sako published a new paper on #Finite Φ3-Φ4 #HybridMatrix Model.
Look into it if your favourite field is #HighEnergyPhysics. 🔣
#matrix #highenergyphysics #hybridmatrix #finite
Finite: The Climate of Change review – powerful case against climate crisis fatigue
#ClimateChange #Finite #FilmReview
#climatechange #finite #filmreview
@codingquark Well, if you assume that the #universe is fundamentally #discrete and #deterministic, the implied result is either a repeating #finite system, or as I said in the following post, a non-repeating system that necessarily is experienced by versions of you that differ from current-you without bound. #cosmology #conjecture
#conjecture #cosmology #finite #deterministic #discrete #universe
@junior42 Hat bisher "nur" folgendes veröffentlicht
(auch zu finden unter @eg_hamburg)
➡️5.1. 19h LIZ ℹ️Infoveranstaltung
➡️6.1. 20h LIZ 🍹Bechern gegen Baggern
➡️8.1. 11-17h ✊🏿Aktionstraining
➡️12.1. 19:30h Lichtmess-Kino 🎬Film #Finite & Info
➡️14.1. 12h ✊✊🏽✊🏿 Großdemo Lützerath
Alle Termine auf:
@unicorn_bianca Yep, everyone was sinful, including the orangutans. And the sloths. And the carp. And the breakfast cereals...
But yeah, #FreeWill under threat of #infinite #punishment for #finite acts isn't #free, #just, #sensical, or #fair. Following that line of reasoning leads to the conclusion that #God created people specifically without truly free will for the purpose of being punished for eternity.
#freewill #infinite #punishment #finite #Free #just #sensical #fair #god #atheism #goodwithoutgod
Sometimes people who had bad childhoods have a thought of having a child of their own so that that they can — perhaps even solely for this reason — give that child a better life
However, on a #planet worsened by #OverPopulation this a negative impulse
The child you do not bring into the world gets the same benefit that you wished to bestow on another child brought into the world
More importantly, all the other #life forms on this #finite planet also benefit from the child you do not conceive
#planet #overpopulation #life #finite
Is the set of #computable #functions equivalent to the set of strings (of #finite or #infinite length) that contain finite #information, i.e. have a finite #Kolmogorov #complexity?
#complexity #kolmogorov #information #infinite #finite #functions #computable
Hello. My 1st post.
Today ive finally realised what Dr Seuss is REALLY about.Pls ask EmanuelMacron does he like Dr.Seuss?Then Does he like Apples w/an S?"WHEN?",I ask you,has it appeared, i reitterate only appeared has the USA + France been at difference on something right up to+including present day.I claim that thing,that different stance to be false+created+part of a setup.That subject Metric/Imperial+its part of a setup by them.#Louvre,#US [ironic]coin. #"INFLATION" #Finite #tophats #Stupid
#louvre #us #finite #tophats #stupid
"Time is the only human resource that is both finite and unknown in capacity"...
Shit is wild
#Time #Mindfulness #Pondering #Thinking #Infinite #Finite #Quote #Aging #Thoughtful
#time #mindfulness #pondering #thinking #infinite #finite #quote #aging #thoughtful
#Coles #axiom: the amount of #human #intelligence of the planet is #finite; he population is growing.
#Coles #axiom #human #intelligence #finite #conspiracy #idiocracy #dinosaur
6. 🌿 Soils are a #finite resource that provide a range of ecosystem services known as soil functions
This is the basis of @Landmark2020 which
🟤 researches the sustainable management of land and soil
🟤helps to restore healthy soils🪱
Vacanze finite: perché arriva la sindrome da rientro - #vacanze #finite #perché #arriva #sindrome #rientro #focusit #21agosto
#21agosto #focusit #rientro #sindrome #Arriva #Perché #finite #vacanze
Questione di secondi: missioni spaziali finite in tragedia #questione #secondi #missioni #spaziali #finite #tragedia #21agosto
#21agosto #tragedia #finite #spaziali #missioni #secondi #questione
Liz Truss pronta a eliminare imposte su `cibo spazzatura`/ “Queste tasse sono finite` #truss #pronta #eliminare #imposte #cibo #spazzatura/ #tasse #finite #3agosto
#3agosto #finite #tasse #spazzatura #cibo #imposte #eliminare #pronta #Truss
Questione di secondi: missioni spaziali finite in tragedia #questione #secondi #missioni #spaziali #finite #tragedia #20giugno
#20giugno #tragedia #finite #spaziali #missioni #secondi #questione
Questione di secondi: missioni spaziali finite in tragedia #questione #secondi #missioni #spaziali #finite #tragedia #18giugno
#18giugno #tragedia #finite #spaziali #missioni #secondi #questione