Attending the FINSCI symposium on conspiracy theory research. Very fascinating talks. How to tackle someone's antivax thinking? Answered by Angelo Fasce: 1. Emphatetic affirmation of concerns. 2. Rebuttal of argument directing the attitude root (using the same concern as basis) 3. Facts about vaccines. The problem? People don't usually change their stance when hearing well formed counter-arguments. #finsci #conspiracytheories
Attending the FINSCI symposium on conspiracy theory research. Very fascinating talks. How to tackle someone's antivax thinking? Answered by Angelo Fasce: 1. Emphatetic affirmation of concerns. 2. Rebuttal of argument directing the attitude root (using the same concern as basis) 3. Facts about vaccines. The problem? People don't usually change their stance when hearing well formed counter-arguments. #finsci #conspiracytheories
Todella kiinnostavaa settiä salaliittouskomuksista ja niiden tutkimuksesta täällä FINSCI-konsortion symposiumissa. Kannattaa tulla yleisötilaisuuteen klo 17 Epicenteriin, jos sattuu olemaan Helsingissä ja aihe yhtään kiinnostaa. #finsci #salaliittoteoriat