Ich hab mich heute mal wieder hingesetzt und über die Schriftart #firacode geschrieben.
Alle die regelmässig oder auch hin- und wieder ein paar Zeilen Code programmieren, sollten sich die Schrift mal anschauen.
#firacode #development #fonts #schriften
Been working on a custom watch face for my Watchy based on a *nix-style shell. I want the commands to be accurate given the output shown. The current working name for the watch face is Watchy Shell. Planning to make the code public soon!
By the way, I'm using the Fira Code font, which you may want to check out if you write code as it has some cool features.
#Watchy #watch #eink #firacode #shell
@linja for VSCode I currently use Fira Code with the ligatures on:
It's based on Fira Mono.
I like that if I typo some coding punctuation/operator (which would usually form a ligature) it stands out; and I find that ligatures make for more readable code.
#typefaces #firacode #ligatures #Fira
Auf meinem Privatrechner verwende ich Linux und musste feststellen, dass das Standard GNOME Terminal keine Ligaturen darstellen kann, was schade ist. Bei der Recherche bin ich auf Kitty gestoßen. Diese Terminalemulation stellt FiraCode-Ligaturen gescheit dar und sieht auf den ersten Blick vielversprechend aus. Mal sehen. #kitty #typography #firacode #linux https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty
#kitty #typography #firacode #linux
@nova I use #FiraCode Retina in both text editor and terminal, been really happy with it https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode #font #fonts
#alacritty -> #kitty
for those sweet sweet #ligatures
also #FiraCode is the best #terminal font https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
#alacritty #kitty #ligatures #firacode #terminal
Spacemacs + FiraCode + Ligatures :party_parrot:
Now my Python code doesn't look like it hates lambdas anymore.
Mostly followed the instructions from this blog post. I copied his display layer into my ~/.emacs.d to get it working with least effort.
Thanks to @lispyclouds
for pointing this to me.
#spacemacs #python #firacode #ligatures #fp #lambda #emacs