‘The Strikes Act is the nadir of the Conservatives’ wretched record on living standards’ | Morning Star
#strikesact #tuc #tories #strikesminimumservicelevelsact #UN #workersrights #unworkersrightsarm #internationallabourorganisation #ilo #europeantradeunionconfederation #etuc #fireandrehire #zerohourscontracts #zerohours #unions
Security Guards protest against UCL fire-and-rehire scheme
Under the proposed restructure, workers - belonging to a 99% black and brown workforce - will be forced to reapply for jobs with lower salaries or face redundancies.
#FireAndRehire #outsourcing #Protest #UCL
#fireandrehire #outsourcing #protest #UCL
I'm usually strongly against the practice of #FireAndRehire, which always results in an erosion of workers' rights.
But I think we could do an exception with the #Met.
The criteria for rehire could be simple: not being accused of rape, not sharing pictures of dead ppl on social media, not doing strip searches on minors, etc...
The shopworker union Usdaw has been granted permission from the Supreme Court to proceed in a challenge to Tesco’s tactic of firing staff and then rehiring them on less favourable contracts https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/dec/22/usdaw-union-right-to-challenge-tesco-fire-and-rehire-supreme-court #FireAndRehire #EmploymentLaw
The shopworker union Usdaw has been granted permission from the Supreme Court to proceed in a challenge to Tesco’s tactic of firing staff and then rehiring them on less favourable contracts https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/dec/22/usdaw-union-right-to-challenge-tesco-fire-and-rehire-supreme-court #FireAndRehire #EmploymentLaw
RT @YorkCityUNISON@twitter.com
📺 watch @itvnews@twitter.com reporting on the abhorrent proposal to #fireandrehire support staff at @SBMatYork@twitter.com
(From 6.40)
Strong views from parents, @JulesFog1@twitter.com our steward at Knavesmire & @KilbanePete@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YorkCityUNISON/status/1600044037276319745