UmweltKnapp 2.400 Waldbrände im Jahr 2022 in Deutschland
Waldbrände haben im vergangenen Jahr in Deutschland eine Fläche von der Größe der Insel Borkum vernichtet.
#wildfires, #wildfire #fireecology, #feuxdeforêts
#waldbrand #wildfires #wildfire #fireecology #feuxdeforets #incendiedeforet
A month after the #bloom of #Narcissus assoanus (previous post), it is now time for the bloom of #Phlomis lychnitis
8 months #postfire #IFCostur Castelló, Spain
Each species has its own phenology ...
@ecology @plants @botany @wildfirescience @plantscience #FireEcology #postfire #Botany #IncendiosForestales #IIFF
#IIFF #incendiosforestales #botany #fireecology #ifcostur #postfire #phlomis #narcissus #bloom
There is now abundant postfire flowering in the understory of this burnt forest.
Fire #Boca-de-Huergano (#Riaño, #León), 8/2022
Photos: Anemone nemorosa, Erythronium dens-canis, Narcissus triandrus, Gagea sp
@wildfirescience @botany @ecology #FireEcology #postfire #Botany
#IFBocadeHuérgano #IncendiosForestales #IIFF
#IIFF #incendiosforestales #ifbocadehuergano #botany #postfire #fireecology #leon #riano #boca
In #Spain it is not very common to have #fires of >1000 ha at 1500-1900 m altitude. An example from last summer is the fire at Boca-de-Huergano (#Riaño, #León). Much of the fire affected a young plantation of #Pinus #uncinata (not native to the area; not sure why it was planted!) and #Betula. Betula individuals are now #resprouting.
#postfire #fireecology #resprouting #betula #uncinata #pinus #leon #riano #fires #spain
The 1st researchers that had an #evolutionary view of #fire were probably EB Poulton (when looking at fire beetles 1915) & WL Jepson (studying #Arctostaphylos 1922)
1) Do you know of any other earlier?
2) Do you know of any woman with such view earlier than 1970? | @AnnualReviews
@wildfirescience #evolutionary #ecology #FireEcology #PlantEcology #evolution
#evolution #PlantEcology #fireecology #ecology #arctostaphylos #fire #evolutionary
RT @ESAEcology
Now out in @ESAEcology:
Regeneration strategies and forest resilience to changing fire regimes: insights from a Goldilocks model
With #OpenData in @ZENODO_ORG
#EcologicalDisturbance #FireEcology @TRamiadantsoa @zaratajczak @MonicaGTurner
#opendata #ecologicaldisturbance #fireecology
Socioeconomic correlation with #wildfire ignitions and acreage burned in #Galicia
Publication date of 31.03.2023, talk about timing. #openaccess #fireecology
#wildfire #galicia #openaccess #fireecology
#Wildfires convert organic matter into inorganic compounds, and spread them far away ...
#IFVillanuevaViver #Castelló, eastern #Spain
#fireecology #ecology #smoke #fire #spain #castello #ifvillanuevaviver #wildfires
Afternoon jaunt to High Park to flip some logs and poke around in the patch of black oak savannah between the High Park Ave. entrance and the streetcar loop.
Only fragments of this rare ecosystem now exist in Canada, and High Park is one of its last refuges. Oak savannah depends on regular small, low-intensity fires to thin out the undergrowth—an Indigenous practice suppressed for centuries by Europeans and only relatively recently incorporated into mainstream forest management. Nearly every year City staff carry out a prescribed burn in this area, and you can see traces of it in the landscape.
A bit more info, with links to past news articles and so on:
#toronto #highpark #fireecology
"Heterogeneity in the landscape is essential for some animal species that benefit from fire like woodpeckers"
"Some like it hot"
Inspired by #rlhutto #mwtingley #ANStillman, etc.
#fireecology #anstillman #mwtingley #rlhutto
Final version now available in #OpenAccess
"Fire favors sexual precocity in a Mediterranean pine"
#Pinushalepensis, #serotiny #pinus #precocity #fireecology #OA @wildfirescience
#oa #fireecology #precocity #pinus #serotiny #pinushalepensis #oikos_journal #openaccess
Hi, I'm a scientist who studies #FireEcology, #DisturbanceEcology, and #ForestEcology. I also study and make projections about #GlobalChange. I have a paper that will be published next week in #GCB that I'm excited to share.
#fireecology #disturbanceecology #ForestEcology #globalchange #gcb
Posts my poster presentation and my reality star sister on reddit cause I was bored and folks kept not believing she was my sister. Become one of the top posts of the day. For sure my ggplots and fire ecology. #scicomm #fireecology #invasivespecies #areyoutheone
#scicomm #fireecology #invasivespecies #areyoutheone
Good analysis of the unprecedented damage to #wetlands and #mangroves during the 2019-20 Black Summer #megafires #fireecology
#wetlands #mangroves #megafires #fireecology
Congratulations Byron!
Awarded by the Association for
Fire Ecology for his great contribution to this topic during his career. Even now that he is retired, his productivity & creativity is still very high. A tireless researcher. Very well deserved award.
"While reviewing the literature on #fire-released #seed #dormancy ( we became aware of limitations and disparities in current terminology ..." - Byron Lamont
So I helped Byron to make some clarification!
Seed dormancy revisited: dormancy-release pathways and environmental interactions #FuncionalEcology
#germination #PlantScience #PlantEcology @wildfirescience #fireecology #botany @plantscience
#botany #fireecology #PlantEcology #plantscience #germination #funcionalecology #Dormancy #seed #fire
Intraspecific variability of #serotiny in #Pinus banksiana
Rear-edge populations (with low #fire frequency) are less serotinous & more variably than range-core #fireprone pops where serotiny is more uniformly high, by Pelletier et al #JEcol
That is, results for Pinus banksiana (boreal) are quite similar to those for P. halepensis & P. pinaster (mediterranean species).
#pinaceae #trees #fireecology #jecol #fireprone #fire #pinus #serotiny
Estimating the age of #mediterranean #pines & their #cones is tricky, as they often produce more than 1 whorl per year!
Pic: #Pinus halepensis. From the bottom upwards: 🔵arrows: 1st whorl of a growing season;🔴&🟢arrows: 2nd & 3rd whorl of the same year. Note the #serotinous #cones in the left pic.
#PlantEcology #PlantScience #fireecology #trees #pinaceae #ecology @wildfirescience
#ecology #pinaceae #trees #fireecology #plantscience #PlantEcology #serotinous #pinus #cones #Pines #mediterranean
#Stipa tenacissima (#esparto grass) #resprouts very well after #fire; I wonder why there are a few individuals that fail to resprout (fire in 2021)
Cuevas de Almanzora, #Almería, SE #Spain
#postfire #IFCuevasDeAlmanzora,
#fireecology #steppe @wildfirescience
#steppe #fireecology #ifcuevasdealmanzora #postfire #spain #almeria #fire #resprouts #esparto #stipa
How nice it would be to know the species in these plants that failed to #resprout #postfire!!
This could be a non-resprouter, but also a (weak) resprouter that failed due to the high intensity of the #fire
#ifazuebar #survival #fireecology #fire #postfire #resprout