A pot of gold? The Care Bear cave? Way better: at the end of this rainbow was our very own fire truck!
We had a blast with our juniors today.
#FirefightersOfTheFuture #firetruck #rainbow
#rainbow #firetruck #firefightersofthefuture
Today I ran a santarun in support of 2 fire service colleagues and a cadet. We had great fun and after the run I ran home again.
Then another (ex-)cadet who had also been running called to say I won 3rd place?! I didn't even realize there was prizes...
#firefightersofthefuture #teacherswhorun
@Mr_n_wood Lovely!
We had a group study activity with our cadets at the fire station: 50min study - 15min cardio (firefighters' edition) - repeat.
(#TeachersWhoRun training #FirefightersOfTheFuture 💪 )
#firefightersofthefuture #teacherswhorun