#Helicopters and purpose-built equipment such as the #BambiBucket are invaluable tools when it comes to aerial firefighting as they enable precision water delivery: https://www.rotorhub.com/sei-calls-on-ottawa-to-equip-rcaf-helicopters-for-firefighting/. Also, they can carry personnel and equipment on site. 🚁🧑🚒 #aviation #firefighting #WhatAviationDoes
#whataviationdoes #firefighting #Aviation #bambibucket #helicopters
#Environmentalists Are Getting Us Killed!
While #Maui Fires Burn, #SierraClub Battles To Stop #Water From Being Used For #Firefighting https://thewashingtonstandard.com/while-maui-fires-burn-sierra-club-battles-to-stop-water-from-being-used-for-firefighting/
#environmentalists #maui #sierraclub #water #firefighting
Firefighters in #Ontario #Canada "Crews of firefighters, who have long warned of understaffing and inexperience, are burning out. Some are quitting. Others plan not to return and a few remaining veterans are on the brink of retirement." #wildfires #firefighting https://globalnews.ca/news/9873922/ontario-forest-fire-concerns-mount/
#ontario #canada #wildfires #firefighting
Mit war nicht klar, dass es noch moderne (1990) Agrar- bzw. Feuer-Spray-Flugzeuge gibt:
Zwei davon mit 3000-l-Tank sind seit diesem Jahr in #Brauschweig stationiert (#Heide ,#Harz ,... als potenzielle Brandgebiete ohne mögliche #Flugbetankung) .
#brauschweig #heide #harz #flugbetankung #aircraft #firefighting #aerialfirefighting
My third Nerd Scribe substack post is a dissection of a news story I wrote about the ongoing drama of who actually owns the New South Wales Rural Fire Service's enormous fleet of fire-fighting vehicles, which I covered for The Saturday Paper last year.
#bushfire #firefighting #RuralFireService
#bushfire #firefighting #ruralfireservice
This is pretty amazing... I didn’t know there was such a thing as #firefighting #sport but here is an account from #Ukraine. Remarkable athletics!
So as a has been wildland firefighter dude, I have to admit they did a verry good job telling this story.
I highly recommend checking this out. :3
#hotshot #wildland #firefighting
Today in #Connecticut History, August 11: A Piano Maker’s Play to Cut Insurance Rates Nets Him Millions
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#19thcentury #august #businessandindustry #connecticuthistory #connecticutinnovations #connecticutinventors #firefighting #henryparmelee #inventionandtechnology #newhaven #uspatents
#connecticut #19thcentury #august #businessandindustry #connecticuthistory #connecticutinnovations #connecticutinventors #firefighting #henryparmelee #inventionandtechnology #newhaven #uspatents
🚒 Thanks to Senator McGuire and CAL FIRE, Mendocino County will be safer and stronger in the fight against wildfires and more. This funding helps buy new fire trucks and so much more for rural areas of the county.
#mendocinocounty #firefighting
california · collide · firefighting · helicopters
#news #california #firefighting
#News #california #firefighting
A #firefighting #helicopter was involved in a mid-air collision while battling a fire in Riverside County.
Siller Helitanker 37S and Helco Copter 5AS….
N555AS was operating as the Helicopter Coordinator (helco) on the fire.
N555AS #A7120F was tracking 50 feet below N4037S #A4BB24 when their icons merged.
#firefighting #helicopter #a7120f #a4bb24 #ntsb #faa #CalFire
La #stratégie française de lutte contre les #incendies coûteuse mais efficace France's #firefighting strategy is costly but effective #feuxdeforets #wildfire #forestfire #incendiedeforêt @geography https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2023/08/04/la-strategie-francaise-de-lutte-contre-les-incendies-couteuse-mais-efficace_6184450_3244.html
#incendies #strategie #wildfire #forestfire #feuxdeforets #firefighting #incendiedeforet
Wildfires across the European Union have laid waste to approximately 260,000 hectares of land so far this year, damaging infrastructure, prompting evacuations, and displacing thousands of people.
Scientists are predicting longer-burning wildfires in future decades. As Greece and Italy hit new records, does Europe need a new fire prevention strategy?
#ClimateChange #heatwave #firefighting #wildfires #Europe
What the first-in companies faced at the West Fire in July, 2018:
#firefighting #firefighters #wildfires #wildfire
#wildfire #wildfires #firefighters #firefighting
@scottculkin If you don't mind, tagging #wildfires and #firefighting so people can find this too.
Fighting fire in the sky
Courage and skill in supply
Wings against flames bravely soar
#firefighting #europefires #canadairpilots #haiku #poetry
The Fremantle Highway caught fire off the Dutch island of Ameland on 26 July.
The car carrier had set out from Germany, to sail to Singapore. The cause of the fire has not been definitively established, but it's possible the battery in one of the electric cars on board ignited.
The fire has subsided enough for the damaged ship to be towed away. But some key questions and answers concerning remain.
#Netherlands #Ship #FremantleHighway #Firefighting #Cars #EV #Batteries
#batteries #ev #Cars #firefighting #fremantlehighway #ship #Netherlands
#DC10 #tentanker #wildfire #aviation #firefighting
Was curious where the heck the Ten Tanker DC-10's were this year, lotta wildfires lately. Ten Tanker has socials, but suffice to say... mostly for PR. It's a shame, I think it could be better utilized to provide mission updates, etc.
Decided to do a tail number search on FightRadar. But first I needed their tail numbers. Google Images to the rescue.
Anyway, here's wonderwall:
910 - N612AX
911 - N17085
912 - N522AX
914 - N603AX
#dc10 #tentanker #wildfire #aviation #firefighting
Fire alarms wake us
Lights on, Dad leaves. I never
sleep til his return
#haiku #575prompt #micropoetry #writingcommunity #firefighting