Got invited to join @spacehost with their new #firefish offering. What should I use as a domain name?
Either a subdomain off my existing blog domain, or get a .social domain just for this.
Dobry wieczór, to już kolejna introdukcja w #fediverse po zwiedzeniu #firefish (fajnie, mają emotki jak na discord ale ciągle coś nie działa).
Zajmuję się mediami społecznościowymi w sektorze rozrywki, lubię marketing ale nie lubię marketingowych dziadków.
Lubię ramen.
#fediverse #firefish #introduction
Same here, but the other way around. I like the #Firefish's default ability to write long-form posts, though I realized I also enjoyed splitting posts on #mastodon, and trying to keep each toot atomic.
Also, the ability to add more options for polls, tho I don't use that often. Maybe in the future, I'll just create polls from FF, just for that. 😅
Nochmal was an die firefish-admins:
Ich hab inzwischen ein bisschen was heraus gefunden:
INFO 1 [server] --> GET /proxy/image.webp? 400
firefish beklagt sich offenbar über eine "invalid url". Der nginx vorne dran ist bis auf Kleinigkeiten so konfiguriert, wie die Beispielkonfig das zeigt.
Habt ihr einen Tipp? Oder ne andere/bessere nginx-config?
#firefish #followerpower
@trinsec #Memes need no dictionary!
You see, #Glub did well, but that was on #Firefish, and as far as I know, #Mastodon hasn't had a proper #meme of it's own. Maybe that ghastly #JohnMastodon thing.
But I can imagine #ButtFrustrating being the type of meme that would do well on Mastodon.
At least maybe three or four years ago it might have ...
#buttfrustrating #johnmastodon #meme #Mastodon #firefish #glub #memes
How do folks on #Firefish follow hashtags? I keep getting an error trying to configure an antenna. 🤐
Vielleicht wundern sich die, die mir hier neu folgen, daß ich mit meinem #FireFish-Konto "zurückfolge" - aber das hier wird irgendwann stillgelegt ...
Extra-features (disabled by default) is somewhat confusing in #Fedilab.
This option allows to enable features that #Mastodon doesn't support (quotes, reactions, submit messages in a specific format, etc.)
But softwares like #Pleroma, #Akkoma, #GlitchSocial, #FireFish don't support (currently) same features.
We plan to use #NodeInfo to automatically enable features depending on the user's instance (ie: software).
#fedilab #Mastodon #pleroma #akkoma #glitchsocial #firefish #nodeinfo
Nicht wirklich. Da ich mir für fast alle Updates einmal die Kommandos gespeichert habe, ist dies nur ein schnelles Abarbeiten — ein Copy-and-paste.
Bei der Gelegenheit:
Ich habe gelesen, dass #Firefish bei dem nächsten Update #Redis Version 7.x voraussetzt, #Yunohost das aber nicht bereitstellt.
Nur zur Info ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sto migrando su
Seguitemi di là perché la migrazione NON FUNZIONA.
Già alla prima migrazione #mastodon mi aveva perso l'elenco delle persone che seguivo. E vabbeh.
Oggi mi ritrovo che non è possibile migrare da self-hosted perché non funziona in alcuni casi assolutamente normali (evito i dettagli).
Ormai Mastodon mi sembra un software molto raffazzonato e mi dispiace (lo dico da consulente informatico). Spero che #firefish non mi deluda così 😑
Sto migrando su
Seguitemi di là perché la migrazione NON FUNZIONA.
Già alla prima migrazione #mastodon mi aveva perso l'elenco delle persone che seguivo. E vabbeh.
Oggi mi ritrovo che non è possibile migrare da un self-host perché non funziona in alcuni casi assolutamente normali (evito i dettagli).
Ormai Mastodon mi sembra un software molto raffazzonato e mi dispiace (lo dico da consulente informatico). Spero che #firefish non mi deluda così 😑
#Firefish hacking:
The big thing I've accomplished so far : Removing "Social" timeline
Been "heads down" in my free time the last few days hacking around on #Firefish
There are times I'm like "fufufu only amateurs would make code like this * glasses gleem *"
and there are other times where I'm like "I've discovered ancient alien technology so far beyond my comprehension, it must be magic"
Luckily this is all Just for Fun® so I'm free to destroy anything as long as it Works on My Machine®
@eulemagazin ich sehe den Umzug der #Theobubble auf #bluesky kritisch :). Glaube stattdessen, dass #Firefish die Zukunft von Social Media ist (oder zumindest alles, was über #ActivityPub läuft).
#theobubble #bluesky #firefish #activitypub
Nachdem ich ein paar Jahre vorwiegend #Mastodon nutzte, gefällt mir #Firefish immer besser.
Meine #Follower könnte ich zu dem neuen #Account umziehen...aaber Followerzahlen sind hier ja nicht >das< #Kriterium sondern eher die #Qualität des Mitteilens und Austauschens, auch deshalb meine Bitte:
Wer weiterhin mit mir und dem was ich so mache und denke in #Verbindung bleiben möchte, folge mir gern hier:
Würde mich freuen, Euch dort zu sehen ...
#mastodon #firefish #Follower #account #kriterium #qualitat #verbindung
@gopal @Tusky @teamtuck Also, there are currently not mobile #Firefish clients that are as #accessible or usable for #blind and #LowVision / #VisuallyImpaired users as #Tusky is. If Tusky were to add support for Firefish, it would help close that gap.
#lowvision #tusky #visuallyimpaired #blind #accessible #firefish