Having a bit of trouble getting decent photo's of these - but here's 150pts worth of models for my starter warband for #onepagerules skirmish.
I've included a slightly different pose in each unit - just so that I have the option to include a sergeant at some point ;)
Most of these are from #fireforgegames (very nice models) - and my 'hero' model is a #mantic body with fireforge head, arms, and cloak.
They'll also double as nice town guard models for #dnd as well :)
#OnePageRules #fireforgegames #mantic #DnD #miniatures #minipainting
my first post!
am currently assembling a commission army for #oathmark of some #fireforgegames Northmen - recommend the Rabble box - great #miniatures
#oathmark #fireforgegames #miniatures