Firefox Klar/Focus auf ShiftOS-L, das auf AOSP basiert. Evtl. liegt es an den Privatsphäreeinstellungen, aber das ist nur geraten (gibt es da ggf. nur lokale Zugriffsrechte innerhalb der BRD?). Könnte genauso ein „fehlender“ Google-Dienst sein? (Da kenne ich mich gar nicht aus.)
#firefoxklar #firefoxfocus #firefoxforandroid #shiftosl #shiftOS-L #ARDMediathek #tracking #privatsphäre #privatsphaere #googlefree #googlefrei #aosp
#firefoxklar #firefoxfocus #firefoxforandroid #shiftosl #ShiftOS #ardmediathek #tracking #privatsphare #privatsphaere #googlefree #googlefrei #aosp
La newsletter di #Canonical viene bloccata da #FirefoxFocus perché fa il redirect tramite un sito non-HTTPS, quindi viene segnalato come "non sicuro".
Un po' paradossale per una società che fa della sicurezza uno dei punti di forza della propria offerta
Un truquito para escuchar #YouTube con la pantalla apagada, sin premium, sin "trampas" y «sin programas de terceros». (Seguramente lo sepáis, pero por si hay algún despistado.
1. Abrimos la web de YouTube desde el navegador. (Yo lo he probado con #Firefox y #FirefoxFocus y funciona).
2. Minizamos la pestaña.
3. Veremos que aparece el widget del reproductor del navegador en la barra de tareas o incluso en el menú de bloqueo del móvil.
4. Le damos al play y podemos apagar la pantalla tranquilamente, que la música seguirá sonando.
#youtube #firefox #firefoxfocus #tips
#FirefoxFocus is the bestest browser for #Android. There, I said it and I'm not taking it back.
#firefoxfocus #android #firefox
I've long been a hardcore #Mozilla fan. I've been using #Firefox since 2005/2006? I also use #FirefoxRelay which is super affordable considering what a major benefit it is. I've also used the #Thunderbird email client for years. It started with Mozilla, but went independent. I use #FirefoxFocus on my phone. It is wonderful. I look forward to what Mozilla will offer in the future. I only wish they were able to develop more.
#mozilla #firefox #firefoxrelay #thunderbird #firefoxfocus
📣 A new #PreciselyPrivate update is out / È arrivato un nuovo aggiornamento di Precisely Private
#ProtonDrive #AdvancedDataProtection #MullvadBrowser #FirefoxFocus #FirefoxTranslations
#PreciselyPrivate #protondrive #advanceddataprotection #mullvadbrowser #firefoxfocus #firefoxtranslations
Anyone using #FirefoxFocus on iOS 16.3 and it crashes your iPhone when you press the trash can icon to clear your browsing history? #Firefox
Pequeño descubrimiento en #Android. Mientras que #FirefoxFocus contiene algunos rastreadores, el navegador #Brave no parece hacer ningún tipo de rastreo.
He utilizado la app trackercontrol.org para comprobar el rastreo.
Parece ser que Firefox es también más inseguro en Android que los navegadores basados en #Chromium
#privacidad #Privacy #Chromium #Brave #firefoxfocus #Android
Una delle cose che mi dà più soddisfazione ultimamente è premere ACCETTA TUTTI sui cookie banner e, dopo aver visto il sito, premere il cestino di #FirefoxFocus.
@asherlangton A reminder that Firefox for Android has some handpicked Add-ons you can enable, including uBlock Origin, Ghosterey, Privacy Badger, AdGuard AdBlocker, FoxyProxy Standard, NoScript, Decentraleyes, and Privacy Possum.
There's also Firefox Focus which is like a super incognito browser. It's my preferred news reader, actually, especially when I'm on mobile data and not Wi-Fi.
I'm not sure how Firefox and Firefox Focus work on iOS.
#firefox #firefoxfocus #privacy #adblocking
@openculture @glynmoody This website blocks me from seeing their own content because it claims I have an ad blocker while I don't have an ad blocker. I'm just using the #Firefox #FirefoxFocus browser..
@greenB Salut, j'aimerais bien les croire (lire l'article) mais ils ne me laisseront pas les lire avec #firefoxfocus (rhôô, je bloque les pubs, quel salaud !)
@greenB Salut, j'aimerais bien les croire (lire l'article) mais ils ne me laisseront pas les lire avec #firefoxfocus (rhôô, je bloque les pubs, quel salaud !)
RT @Le_Alternative
Stanchi di Google Chrome? Cercate vere alternative a Google Chrome, veloci e che a rispettino la vostra privacy?
#brave #bromite #browser #chrome #duckduckgo #fennec #firefox #firefoxfocus #google #onion #opera #privacy #showhaze #tor #torbrowser
#torbrowser #tor #showhaze #privacy #opera #onion #google #firefoxfocus #firefox #fennec #duckduckgo #chrome #browser #bromite #brave
Alternative a Google Chrome
Stanchi di Google Chrome? Cercate vere alternative a Google Chrome, veloci e che a rispettino la vostra privacy?
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2019/10/21/alternative-a-google-chrome/
#Browser #Google #brave #bromite #browser #chrome #duckduckgo #fennec #firefox #firefoxfocus #google #onion #opera #privacy #showhaze #tor #torbrowser #ungoogledchromium #vivaldi #waterfox
#browser #google #brave #bromite #chrome #duckduckgo #fennec #firefox #firefoxfocus #onion #opera #privacy #showhaze #tor #torbrowser #ungoogledchromium #vivaldi #waterfox
#mozilla why doesn't #firefoxfocus have the reading mode like #Firefox?
Some websites are so badly made that are impossible to read from the mobile, the reading mode would be really appreciated!
(Especially during an hurricane... :flan_piteous: )
Thanks... :flan_coffee:
#mozilla #firefoxfocus #firefox
@Shinra @lienrag Après quelques essai sur un vieux Android 7. #MidoriLight est plus rapide que #FirefoxFocus mais il n'est pas compatible avec certain site comme #discours !
C'est un bon outils pour naviguer au quotidien sur des sites de confiances.
#MidoriLight #firefoxfocus #discours
Hmm, can anyone else verify that #CSS transitions based on font-size aren't working on #FirefoxFocus?
It should increase/decrease the font size and line-height and invert the colours of the checkbox label as well as change the height and padding after checking/unchecking it, with a delay and duration of 2 seconds.
However, on Firefox Focus (the automatic cookies deleting version of #Firefox for #Android) the font-size and line-height is changed immediately; only the background/foreground colors, padding and element height are transitioned with delay/gradually.
#css #firefoxfocus #firefox #android #development #coding #webdev #CSSTransitions
I’ve set my browser on every device to be Firefox Focus / Private Browsing mode as default.
If I visit a site and wish to stay signed in - I use the browser that came the operating system (usually Safari).
It’s working well so far. I just wish Firefox’s built in tracking prevention blocked YouTube ads. 🥸
#firefox #mozilla #firefoxfocus
#FirefoxFocus bloquea rastreadores y limpia cookies e historiales de búsqueda en sus Teléfono móvil, ahorita podrían apoyar en pruebas de la versión 93 antes de que salga al publico, mas info por acá: https://community.mozilla.org/en/campaigns/foxfooding-focus-for-android-and-ios/ o de por si usar el que esta disponible: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.focus https://apps.apple.com/cl/app/firefox-focus-privacidad/id1055677337