For a couple years now I've been slowly untangling my digital life from Big Tech, as much as I could (something @nolan called at one point a "Tech Vegan" - very apt :doge_laugh: ).
A lot of my #homelab and self-hosting work has enabled this ("cloud" backups from my devices, especially my phone), Mastodon's increasing prominence has meant I could ditch some of the last holdouts (well, the musky boye helped there, too :birdsite: )
The latest step is switching from stock Android to an AOSP-based open source phone OS, I have been looking at Lineage OS and preparing the switch by reducing my reliance on Google/closed source apps as much as I can.
One thing I noticed is that while some OSS apps are actually really good (many only missing features you need to be a Big Tech Company for¹), Android is *awful* at supporting Progressive Web Apps as an alternative, even the very few good ones that exist.
I miss #FirefoxOS dearly :blobcatmeltcry:
The information is also available on BananaHackers wiki, kindly contributed by the same person:
I'm gonna do some micro improvements for the page :)
#bananahackers #kaios #nokia #foss #ffos #firefoxos
@onat In the beginning, I was looking at some of the Nokia phones with #KaiOS, the fork from #FirefoxOS, but none had the features I specifically wanted, and most won't work for our local networks :(
Found some interesting Xiaomi Qin feature phones with "smartphone features", but it didn't have LTE, and was really expensive for their feature set.
I think the best surprise for this is ditching a Google account (to get tracked!) to use the phone, thanks to #FDroid.
#Mozilla en fait régulièrement des belles, de conneries, en ce qui concerne les directions prises (#FirefoxOS, repose en paix).
Mais laisser le monopole de l’« #IA » (big data + machine learning) à Microsoft, ce serait une belle connerie aussi.
Moi je ne trouve pas ça si con qu’ils s’y mettent, à condition qu’ils ne sabordent pas le projet à la fin.
FeedSpider 2, the best news reader for #webOS and #FirefoxOS also works on Android devices, and PCs, Macs and iOS as a PWA!
Imagine if Mozilla were what it says it is and had released Firefox OS under GPL…
Instead, they did the research and development (with some of your money, if you donate to them) for a third-party company to come and close it off in a commercial product. Oh and for their patron, Google, to invest $20 million on top to create closed “smart feature phones” to farm the data of the <strike>poors</strike> “next five billion.”
*golf claps*
#kaios #firefoxos #mozilla #bigtech
odio a Mozilla por matar #firefoxos en un sistema sobre HTML+javascript podía hacer cosas que ahora no puedo ni soñar ni en IOS ni en Android 😩
@timbray @raph I like , because I used FIra with #FirefoxOS (who even knows what it was?).
Xataka ha publicado un artículo sobre #FirefoxOS. Es una tristeza que este sistema se haya acabado, porque era una gran promesa para el #SoftwareLibre. Lamentablemente falló por romper su propio esquema fundacional: que un navegador es suficiente para reemplazar la interfaz gráfica de un sistema operativo en la actualidad.
Pero, en lugar de ser fieles al concepto, trataron de imitar el funcionamiento de Android y obviamente fracasaron.
A new #Capyloon release is out (#firefoxos/#b2g continuation, now supporting the #pinephonepro):
RT @capyloon
A new release was just published in !
- Easy sharing of links & files.
- Multiple homescreen support, with a Media Center one.
- A new contacts app, with import/export over IFPS.
- Pinephone Pro installer images.
Details in…
#capyloon #firefoxos #pinephonepro
@starshine @fuchsiii
And #KaiOS as #fork of #FirefoxOS also limps on in a weird nieche of low-end devices just shy of completely locked-down and unchangeable firmware.
Worse than 3rd party #Symbian #S60 devices:
#s60 #symbian #firefoxos #fork #kaios
@starshine as a matter of fact I wished #Mozilla would've released #FirefoxOS and subsequent devices in more markets, but like the #OpenMoko-based #FIC #Neo1973 & #Neo #FreeRunner one couldn't even buy them in most of the #EU and the only devices I was aware of were #NetLock|ed #Prepaid Feature Phones in #Spain that would've been useless paperweights to me or any other developer.
Otherwise @fuchsiii would've made #Apps and #Games for it...
#Games #Apps #spain #prepaid #netlock #EU #freerunner #neo #neo1973 #fic #openmoko #firefoxos #Mozilla
@starshine the closest to this was #FirefoxOS, where aside from the underlying #Linux kernel and drivers [aka. "#Gonk"] Everything else was the "Gaia" UI running in #Gecko.
Basically every app is only #HTML5 + #CSS3 + #JS6!
#js6 #css3 #html5 #gecko #gonk #Linux #firefoxos
#FirefoxOS #Don #Toulouse
Au boulot on va jeter un téléphone de dev Firefox OS, qui a la batterie qui est décédée (gonflée), et qui du coup ne s’allume pas du tout.
Si ça intéresse quelqu’un, c’est toujours mieux de donner que de jeter, sinon on va le benner.
Faites moi signe 🙂
What's the state of #FirefoxOS devices today @dietrich is there a stable build for any current devices? #capyloon #gerdaos #b2g
#b2g #gerdaos #capyloon #firefoxos
On the corporate side, there's KaiOS -- a fork of FirefoxOS that was successful almost the moment it was sunsetted at Mozilla. In my opinion, the decision to cancel #FirefoxOS remains among the worst mistakes at the company -- a blunder so severe its true effects may take decades to fully understand.
Even in the immediate term, KaiOS is now #India's second largest mobile OS. In 2020, Mozilla had to negotiate a partnership with KaiOS to bring the modern Gecko browser engine to the platform. At the same time, the Gecko renderer remains completely banned on all iOS devices, and Google uses its market dominance to gently suppress Firefox by running pro-Chrome ads in Youtube -- a company Mozilla Foundation has invested campaign money into "fixing."
Utterly humiliating. What is going on at Mozilla and why is none of this taken into consideration?
On the corporate side, there's KaiOS -- a fork of FirefoxOS that was successful almost the moment it was sunsetted at Mozilla. In my opinion, the decision to cancel #FirefoxOS remains among the worst mistakes at the company, and
KaiOS is now India's second largest mobile OS. In 2020, Mozilla had to negotiate a partnership with KaiOS to bring the modern Gecko browser engine to the platform. At the same time, the Gecko renderer remains completely banned on all iOS devices, and Google uses its market dominance to gently suppress Firefox by running pro-Chrome ads in Youtube -- a company Mozilla Foundation has invested campaign money into "fixing." Utterly humiliating.